

  • You are a motivation for me Karen. I watch you post your workouts and your successful eating and I think "That girl is amazing!" I'll DM you the link for some heel seats that I have used with great success for plantar fascitis. It's the exercise that keeps my weight down. Without it I gain it back fast. Today was a success…
  • Time to wake up this thread. I stopped losing weight many months ago but my fasting numbers continue to make a steady decline. My most recent fasting average is 90. My A1c has been holding in the upper 5 region since I joined MFP last September and started losing weight. How are your numbers holding up? If my fasting…
  • You look amazing! I love the dress and even more the fact that you feel confident enough to show your success. Have any tips for others?
  • Nice work @deteecher! Best wishes for a long and healthy life. You deserve it!
  • Just giving this thing a "Bump" Congrats on beating the demon Hep C!
  • In the past few days I've had potato chips and ice cream.
  • I tried it again with the other calculator adjusting for sleeping and some lighter exercise throughout the day. I mean it really should add up to 24 hrs but I just added the sleep and some exercise. It says my BMR is 1957 (a man 1730) Energy expenditure is 3297 (3070 for a man) Think I'll quit looking at that calculator.…
  • So you combine them, yum. Why didn't I think of it!? I always like a yogurt parfait. I need to watch the carbs (non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetic) but the whole grains really slow down the absorption of carbs. I'm sure there are some muesli products with less sugar. I just have to look. Haven't had breakfast yet and…
  • I rarely drink beverages with sugar in them. I steer away from the added calories and now that I am type 2 diabetic, I have to control my carb intake. Why would I waste my carbs on a sugary beverage =O That being said, I avoid saccharin because years ago we were told of it's issues. My preferred sweetener is Splenda in the…
  • Using that calculator it says my BMR is 1735. If I ate that much I'd really pack on the pounds. And that's without any extra exercise! MFP says "Your estimated BMR is: 1,385 calories/day*" That's a huge difference. I must be reading it wrong. Folks, can you try out this calculator and see if your results are similar? How…
  • For the past week or so I've been eating quiche. I made 4 pans of it to use up some spinach and extra eggs I had. The problem I fear is not the calories but the "eating it over and over again" syndrome which may mean I will hate the stuff. It's a nice healthy protein and veggie meal to have, but not 2 or 3 times a day for…
  • That is actually pretty amazing. When I get down to 72 I'm feeling the change (usually.) Your numbers sound awesome! My FBS is averaging 100 over 30 days and I'm quite satisfied although I know if I could lose more weight the numbers would trickle down as well.
  • I have a friend who gave me a couple dozen eggs from her hens and some spinach. That meant it was time to make quiche so I did just that, made 4. I'd say it looks like high protein diet is on for at least a while. At the end of the day, I had 114 carbs remaining, I was over fats by 21, and over protein by 56. Sometimes…
  • Any breaks were under a minute long as my husband moved the chips closer to my end of the truck. It was smooth and steady , not rushing, just constantly moving. Felt like a solid workout with dripping sweat. Of course it's a sunny 82 degrees with no breeze and 50% humidity. Thanks for the reply. I have never done a…
  • The head scratch in all this is OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE ARE WORKING HARDER THAN TRIM PEOPLE! Why is it that if you are trim and you walk around with a 100 lb pack on your back you're working out. But when you carry that weight around inside your body, 24 - 7, you aren't working out. Everything is harder to do when you are…
  • Definitely not drinking enough water these days. Thanks for the reminder.
  • My favorites these days are flavored almonds, kettle potato chips, and cereal. Even my protein drink has extra powder in it. What's with that? Why do I over do it? Next batch will be limited and maybe more ice than usual.
  • And stop beating yourself up. You are not always the source of trouble. Take a good long look at your gene pool. Did you invent the diagnosis in your family or does the family tree look more like a checker board? Mine dose.
  • I've been T2 for 5 years. The A1c dropped after the initial diagnosis through watching my eating, a bit of exercise, and a boost from Metformin. The numbers started to creep up so the doc switched me to Janumet (metformin and januvia) and that held the numbers down for more time. Then it started to creep up and I think…
  • And you think it hasn't impacted you emotionally or psychologically?!?! LOL It's called denial and you may need more time to live with the lower weight. When I quit drinking I had to go through all of my life experiences with that piece missing. It was weird. So is a dramatic weight loss through eating habits and…
  • You have a good routine of exercise. Can you maintain it? I don't know the diet you speak of but I assume that low calorie count is just for a very short time. (or a typo?)
  • I agree with Belli. Low carb is the way to go. It is what it is so don't expect to find the magic bullet. :sad: You need to eat less (than the avg person would) and exercise more (than the avg person would) and that's the way it goes. It stinks but I repeat, It is what it is. :ohwell:
  • You can put just about anything into the database and find a calorie value there. I have mowing, gardening, raking, vacuuming, house cleaning, as well as the mundane walking or treadmill. What I don't understand is why strength training work doesn't get any calorie credit when listed with that tool. It's hard to do it,…
  • Are you eating better and exercising? I suspect "yes" so step away from the scale and absorb the plan as your way of life. Revisit the scale from time to time but don't obsess. You need to eat well and exercise as a way of life, not simply to lose weight. It's too easy to drop the watching calories in and calories out. The…
  • There are some really interesting comments here and I can see that people have lots of assumptions so let me clarify. For breakfast I eat a whole grain hot cereal concoction that includes oatmeal and textured vegetable protein. I also use sugar free coffeemate (Diabetic) I have an apple for a snack either morning or…
  • MFP set it for me at 1250 for 1 pound a week. I am 5'2" and sedentary. I changed to sedentary from light activity when I stopped losing weight a few months back.
  • I take Janumet for the DM2, Zetia for the cholesterol, and Diovan for the BP. I am eager to see my numbers on the blood panel in July. The doctor didn't want to see me for 6 months since my fastings dropped, the A1c dropped to 5.7, and I had lost 15 pounds with MFP. He was kind of amazed last June (before I went on MFP) by…
  • My breakfast is often over 500 calories. I love the coffee creamer but since I'm diabetic, I get the sugar free vanilla and that saves me lots of calories. My hot breakfast cereal concoction is pretty complex and gives me tons of nutrition as well as a full tummy til lunch. It has a handful of chocolate chips which…
  • Now that sounds interesting. My daily MFP calories is 1250 without exercise so let's just say that a day without exercise is a day going over. I am not losing weight and would like to see more changes in my daily consumption, much like you mentioned above. I'm going to think about this.
  • You've been working out and that builds muscle. +pounds You may also be retaining a bit in the bowel so be sure you have plenty of the roughage stuff. +pounds You may be retaining more water. +pounds Try to be patient. You are doing the right thing by eating healthier. I am discouraged with a 1250 calorie goal but in the…