

  • As I can not comment on the over-exercising (but I wish I could), I can comment on the sleep (or lack there of) and weight gain (or in your case decreased weight loss). I suffer from insomnia (as a result of another medical condition). Since the start of my insomnia episodes, I gained A LOT of weight. And according to my…
  • In the past, I used to plateau. I would do everything right, and loose nothing for what seemed forever. It was a good month or 2 (this was a long time ago), but I kept at it, and the next thing I knew, the weight started falling off. Do not give up! You are doing great. If you continue to make positive & permanent changes…
  • Do not be upset or surprised if you gain next week. But do not let that discourage you into having a repeat of this past week. Like many people stated, your metabolism may be high. Get back to eating healthy to keep the weigh loss up. We all know that regularly eating those kinds of food is the reason most of us are here…
    in WTH?? Comment by Kelly822 September 2011
  • 100lbs...That is terrific! You are more than half way there! Stay strong!!!! Just think of how good you will look 50 lbs from now, and then look at a photo of yourself prior to your weight loss. Tell yourself, "I am not going back there!!!" I am also new to this site, and I too, need much support. I was in 2 car accidents…
  • I had another message, but then I saw you made a boo-boo, so pls ignore/delete my post.
  • I do not know Tumblr, but I am also new. Let's do this!!!