Hi Im new and have questions

Hi, Im Billie and I am kinda half new to this. I have a question and its weighing very heavily on me so if you can help it would be much appreciated. I have always been healthy maybe a little more towards the curvier side but not what I would call fat. Anyway I had a baby May of 2010 and before that I had been walking almost everyday doing 5-7 miles a day even at 9 months pregnant. So naturally when I had my beautiful boy the weight fell off even taking more than I had gained. Well I wasnt able to work as hard with my second handsome little man and I will admit I stress ate alot more to do to my husband being deployed and knowing I was going to be handling 2 alone. Im tough though I can do it. So my son was born in June 2011 and I have only lost the water weight and his weight for a total of about 14 lbs. (grrr) so frustrated. about a month and a half ago I started getting crazy symptoms including.... Memory lapse, Fatigue, Dizzy Spells and a Lack of weight loss. My Doctor has taken some labs and I am waiting on results...( I personally think my thyroid is out of wack) However my Doctor believes Im over tired and my father believes im working out to hard. I strongly disagree! I feel like im more energized and ready to go after my workouts and not sluggish and exhausted or pained. I know while I dont get great rest due to a midnight feedings and early mornings between the 2 kiddos Im getting a decent amount. On to my question.... Has anyone else heard of sleep deprivation STOPPING weightloss all together? Or given what Ive posted about my feelings post workout... Could my lack of weightloss be due to over excersising? Im getting incredibly aggrevated by these comments and feeling like Im failing at this. I really dont want to workout just to maintain. I want to workout with success. I eat for the most part pretty healthy and I gave up soda so I just dont understand this at all. Any help is very appreciated!


  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Absolutely sleep deprivation can cause even weight gain, let alone stopping any weight loss. Your body needs rest. You are what...3 months post partum? Quite honestly, I would take naps during the day if you can to catch up on your sleep. Sleep is the only way your body can reset - not just rest. Sure you can work out, but get some SLEEP!!!!
  • obwize
    obwize Posts: 102
    My weight loss actually had nothing to do with what I ate or how much I moved. For quite a while I had a deficit of about 800 cals a day, with no results for MONTHS. Then I met with a therapist. For me it was completely about emotions. So while I don't know about the particulars you are asking about, I do know that sometimes we assume the body is simply a machine, calories in versus calories out, without taking into account emotions and stress which can make a HUGE impact. And while you can handle two kids with your husband away, maybe your body is stressing out about it (or other things) more than you realize? Or something else completely different...
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I agree with the others...I've been having a problem with my weight loss and I know that it is due to being stressed out and the fact that I am an insomniac certainly does not help...I'm trying my best to adjust to my new schedule at home(schooling kids at home) along with the other normal stresses of life - housework, bills, being broke, lol which makes is just that much harder for me to drift off into a peaceful sleep because my mind is constantly running on all the to-dos.

    I'm working out more now so hopefully that will help until I can get this sleeping(lack thereof) under control, so with babies in the house, I would sleep when they sleep...catch some z's whenever you can and I wish you much success on your journey!
  • sjodrum
    sjodrum Posts: 127 Member
    ... On to my question.... Has anyone else heard of sleep deprivation STOPPING weightloss all together?

    My Dr. told me that weight loss and quality of sleep are related. I had sleep apnea and failed to sleep deeply, which my Dr. felt was causing a hormone problem in me, preventing me from losing weight. I'm sure it is complex, but that is at least one medical opinion on the subject.
  • taniam16
    taniam16 Posts: 47 Member
    What sort of exercise are you doing besides walking?
  • VemmaMom
    VemmaMom Posts: 82 Member
    Hi and YES it is the single most important thing you can do for your body and absolutely is one of main reasons we odnt lose weight besides not eating enough cals. I saw the Sleep Dr from WEB MD lat year and he did a study and had a large amount of people actually do nothing more than get 8 hours of sleep and he said all of them actually lost weight. Some lost a few and some lost 20 to 30 lbs and didnt change a thing but sleep....so.....sleep and dont go to low on your cals :flowerforyou:
  • As I can not comment on the over-exercising (but I wish I could), I can comment on the sleep (or lack there of) and weight gain (or in your case decreased weight loss). I suffer from insomnia (as a result of another medical condition). Since the start of my insomnia episodes, I gained A LOT of weight. And according to my doctor, there is a direct link to sleep & weight problems. So YES, if you are not getting adequate sleep, you will struggle with weight. I hope that helps.
  • taniam16 Mainly Cardio as i lift children all day long lol
  • Thanks everyone! while not what I was hoping to hear I guess its what I needed to hear!. Now as I sit with an infant in my arms obviously not sleeping i wonder how in the world im supposed to get more sleep?.?.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Yes, lack of sleep will not only stop weight loss but can cause you to gain weight. The time you spend sleeping is the time for your body and mind to rest-your body CAN NOT RECOVER if you are not sleeping enough. Fatigue will also cause dizziness and memory loss. Fatigue not only has a negative effect on your physical health but can also affect your mental health putting you at higher risk of depression. Also, sleep deprivation is in itself dangerous as you are not as alert as you should be-you are at risk of missing an important safety issue with your children, having a car accident, etc. People with sleep deprivation statistically have shorter life spans.
  • taniam16
    taniam16 Posts: 47 Member
    If its cardio you're doing then the best thing for you would be to start doing some core strength work. One of the most unpleasant exercise routines but sit ups and crunches and a few wall squats etc will help change up your routine. interval training is also a better way to do your running if you're on a treadmill. Try carrying a backpack with some books in it on the treadmill or incline work if you dont want to change pace but the best thing to do on the treadmill (or running) is to set up blocks (ie 3x 5 mins) where you increase your speed from walking to sprinting, once you his 5 mins go back down to walking. Repeat a few times and you'll be absolutely wrecked by the end which should help you with your sleeping.

    Also, for a mum on the go you might find it hard to wind down so try meditation or breathing techniques while lying in bed. I have been on sleep medication before as my sleeping patterns are terrible and one of the best things for me was a) interval running during the day b) stretching heaps afterwards to wind down and c) looking up some stuff online about slow breathing from the diaphragm while lying in bed to help relax and sleep easier.

    Obviously I'm not a professional so my advice doesn't count for much but I hope there's something in there that can help you. The main thing is to not give up and make sure you stay positive and before you know it you'll figure out what works for you and that baby weight will be gone!

    Best wishes!! xx