Lie Logging?



  • This is the place to truely be honest about food intake. Sometimes it's not pleasant, but I have never seen anything but positive support with the friends I have chosen on this site. Usually they are more supportive than I am to myself, so at least it's out there, and I don't have to hide it. Hey, if it gets real bad, you can always delete your profile, which I wouldn't recommend, but you can. Angels in the mist for sure on this site.

    lol It's not that severe.... I posted this more to just give people a place to admit that they've stretched the truth so to speak, on their journals. I think that being open about it in a place like this can be very liberating and taken as a chance to change your bad habits. The support is absolutely my driving point to post this. For other people, not just myself.
  • I log absolutely everything. From that sip or nibble I took off my buddy's food, to my daily supplements (vitamins)... Coffee, tea even if it's sugarfree or black. Not only it keeps you accountable for your weight loss but if you ever stall or plateau you can go back and pin point the problem cuz you logged everything!!
    If it goes in your mouth lol LOG IT. besides a lot of ppl forget that a nibble here and a lick there will add up and... It's not cuz it's sugar free that it's calories free xD
  • I log absolutely everything. From that sip or nibble I took off my buddy's food, to my daily supplements (vitamins)... Coffee tea even if it's sugarfree free or black. Not only it keeps you accountable for your weightless but if you ever stall or plateau you can go back and pin point it out cuz you logged everyhingggggg!!
    If it goes in your mouth lol LOG IT. besides a lot of ppl forget that a nibble here and a lick there will add up and... It's not cuz it's sugar free that it's calories free xD

    lol Absolutely. I knew this coming into this whole journaling thing, when I first signed up. But I notice that I started slipping. haha
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I just posted on a friend's status update that sometimes my food diary is a big, fat lie. It's not that I'm lying to myself. Rather, I use my food diary as a planning tool, and I stick to my plan a huge majority of the time. On the infrequent occasions I do go off plan, I don't see the point in correcting my diary. It's not something I ever go back and reflect on, so what's the point? For people who do go back and look at what they've done, it makes sense to be sure everything is "truthful."
  • Oh ya! I know it's crazy but once it's in the database it's all cool. Like I learned today that my MSM vitamins are actually 5 calories each. Not that I care... Lol I'm still gonna taken em twice a day but it just goes to show a lot of ppl under estimate or under track their ****. Not saying that they are lying. I mean it can happen to everyone to forget or something but the more accurate you are the better your results that's fo sho!
  • I just posted on a friend's status update that sometimes my food diary is a big, fat lie. It's not that I'm lying to myself. Rather, I use my food diary as a planning tool, and I stick to my plan a huge majority of the time. On the infrequent occasions I do go off plan, I don't see the point in correcting my diary. It's not something I ever go back and reflect on, so what's the point? For people who do go back and look at what they've done, it makes sense to be sure everything is "truthful."

    I like this A LOT. You've put into words what I have failed to, I think. I also use my diary as a "planning tool," to set the tone for the day, and try to plan to the best of my abilities what I will eat for the day. What happens after that is sometimes somewhat different than what I planned and recorded. I don't have the time to come back and check on everything, re-plan, delete and record, etc, etc. But what I do have time for is to plan.... Thanks for replying. (:
  • I just posted on a friend's status update that sometimes my food diary is a big, fat lie. It's not that I'm lying to myself. Rather, I use my food diary as a planning tool, and I stick to my plan a huge majority of the time. On the infrequent occasions I do go off plan, I don't see the point in correcting my diary. It's not something I ever go back and reflect on, so what's the point? For people who do go back and look at what they've done, it makes sense to be sure everything is "truthful."

    I like this A LOT. You've put into words what I have failed to, I think. I also use my diary as a "planning tool," to set the tone for the day, and try to plan to the best of my abilities what I will eat for the day. What happens after that is sometimes somewhat different than what I planned and recorded. I don't have the time to come back and check on everything, re-plan, delete and record, etc, etc. But what I do have time for is to plan.... Thanks for replying. (:

    Yeah, I once upon did that but my diary was also set to private. Anyway if you guys have smartphones (which I didn't have at the time) it helps TREMENDOUSLY. You can log on "on the go" and rectify whatever u want! The app for Androids and IPhones are pretty sweet :)
  • Okay maybe the app ain't so great for Threads lol
  • Okay maybe the app ain't so great for Threads lol

    I have a Rumor Touch for Virgin. Don't know if I can get this on my phone. It doesn't seem to be too awesome for internet stuff. Not too concerned about it though. lol
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I use the data to analyse gains and losses so lie logging really is detrimental to that.
  • I had another message, but then I saw you made a boo-boo, so pls ignore/delete my post.
  • i can't advocate cheating.
    the right thing to do is break up with your diary first, then move on to bigger and better food.
    or seek counseling, work through your troubles and recommit to making it work.

    totally agree!:laugh: