

  • ^^ the schedule shown above is what I followed... i did also incorporate some extra cardio into my workouts ( running/elliptical)
  • I have this and did it when I first started getting back into working out... I loved the results I got from it!! In fact 4 of my friends bought it after trying it and they all loved it as well! I don't do it as much I changed up my workout routine and don't do workout dvd's much anymore, but if I did this would def be one…
  • Ok thanks for the feedback! I will switch up my routine a few days a week then...starting today! :) I will also watch what I eat more closely too. I don't eat much sugary foods. A couple weeks ago I cut my calories down to see if that helped, and it left me so tired and weak. Any ideas on how many calories I should be…
  • maybe I can keep my same workout routine and just add more weigh lifting to it?? More core work? Again I know I can't spot reduce but maybe more focus needs to be in this area? I know they say "abs are made in the kitchen" so what should and shouldn't I be eating ?
  • LOL I will try to cut down on endurance cardio?? However I am pretty stubborn in this area and am more likely to maybe add to it with your suggestions if that may work? If I have to I will switch up my routine, but I LOVE my spin classes! As for your diet suggestions, this is probably a dumb question but you are saying…
  • Thanks for all the feedback!! Gonna try and respond to everyone's suggestions :) As for my diet, I am not sure if it is deficit, I am not sure I would know how to calculate or know? I just try and eat healthy. As for my shoes I am fairly certain that is not the problem, they are newer. Also what?? I did not know that body…
  • I have both DVD's and I think I prefer the Butt Bible. I really like Jillian too, but am feeling a bit bored with her. I am on week 2 of the Butt Bible and am loving it!