sam88keys Member


  • Honey is an animal product. So no, vegans don't eat honey.
    in honey Comment by sam88keys July 2014
  • 1200 is the absolute minimum number for any diet. Was that number from myfitnesspal's calculations? My starting recommendation (I started out at 180 lbs) was 1400-1600 calories, so I would at least go for that number, if not a bit higher depending on how you feel. 1200 is really not a sustainable number for long-term…
  • I've been a vegan for three years, eating healthy for the most part but eating too much of it, hence the weight loss goal. I cook a lot and like to try out new recipes, with a fair stash of vegan cookbooks and nutrition books (and a ton of vegan recipes on Pinterest). I'm also getting back into a regular exercise routine,…
  • I'm in the same boat of restarting (for the hundredth time). Thanks to the busyness of school, I stopped exercising (and stopped/regained any weight loss progress), but now I've gotten re-motivated. Feel free to add me too!
  • I'm using it too (not as regularly as I should though). I'm on there as ErulastielRaina.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal. I get the plain instant packets and just add stevia to it, so it adds up to only be 100 calories. I'm not a big breakfast person so I'm normally fine with just that (and I don't really like changing up it during the week because that's one less thing I have to think about), but sometimes I'll have a…
  • I'm vegan and have my diary open to friends. You're welcome to add me :-)
  • I'm a vegan and generally consider myself to eat pretty clean whole foods on a regular basis. Split peas are the absolute best, that I've discovered, for getting in a lot of protein, fiber, and iron. Quinoa is a complete protein that works really well as a rice substitute or stir-fry with fresh or frozen veggies.…
  • Here are a few good vegan recipe blogs that you can peruse...
  • Beans and rice is one of my major staples. Brown rice is healthier and more filling than white rice but it takes a little bit longer to cook. If you have a crockpot, you can cook dried beans over the weekend to make different types of soup or chili. Both dishes are largely unattended and I have never actually ruined a pot…