kimclaws Member


  • the one i am planning on is in March, it is Fitness New Mexico. in albuquerque
  • 1 hour of Supershape (circuit training) 35 minutes of HIT interval sprinting, 30 min of yoga/ stretching, and then a 3 mile hike with my dog pack and hubby :) I love Sundays!
  • well yes and no because a strict diet can cause a drop in testosterone which leads to a drop in sex drive lol. so make sure your diet smart and done starve yourself!!! but you don't get as tired as quickly :)
  • there is a type for everyone, after working in a Gentlmans club for 4 years, I have seen it all. there are tall guys who like tiny women , short guys who like tall women, men who like overweight women, some like toned muscular, and some like anorexic looking ones, there are men who prefer tiny breasts, men who like big…
  • Every night before bed i weigh myself, so see the effect certain foods have on my body(water weight, bloating etc). I also get measurements and BF % done at the end of each month.
  • I take the TRX classes, and the body Combat classes. I plan on trying their yoga as soon as they offer it at a better time, :/ noon is just not convenient!
  • Hello , My Name is Kim. I just recently married a German Airforce Staff Sergeant. :) He is the love of my life. I absolutely love all the classes that they offer on base, and the gym is beautiful. I am not a wife that can sit around the house, I am always going! I love fitness and eating right (even though it hurts…
  • the key is to look unapproachable, just pretend you are a badass and people won't wanna talk to you lol , I never get hit on because i look like I might kill a person who interrupts my workout, its the gym, you do not have to be friendly or even smile at people. It also helps if you have headphones in your head, :)
  • And don't worry so much about weight, as you would what you look and feel like. so instead of having a goal weight, find a fitness model or even a good friend that you would like to look like and shoot for that, weighing yourself can work against you at times. do not let the scale rule your weight loss journey, shoot for…
  • I don't really have any before photos, but check out my profile photos, (because i can't figure out how to post photos in forums) I am 5'4 I weight 116 , pant size 3. I eat a high protein, low fat , low carb clean diet. I do not drink alcohol. I workout 6 days a week, circuit training, pole dancing, weight lifting and…
  • Doing my first comp in April, I will be going to a prep camp in a few weeks to get more info and find a swim suit vendor that I like. I want to do bikini or figure first, then I may tai a shot at fitness if i can come up with a good enough routine lol. very helpful group!! thank you for starting it
  • Yes I second that comment.
  • I would try adding more lean protein , I was getting about 50 grams of protein per day, and my train said I needed to raise it, now I am at 100-120 g per day and I am never hungry, it really helps, because I was hungry at night too, but I just chug 16-20 oz of water before bed, but then you will for sure be getting up in…
  • I keep my carbs a little lower but it is because I only eat whole grains but it is still at a moderate level, not low or high, I don't eat much white bread or pasta, I think people use carbs as a filler in most meals, because a sandwich with no bread is not nearly as filling or as " convenient". It is all about moderation,…
  • this one too lol
  • well i posted the wrong link , the tv commercial i saw earlier say multiple times " just lie around" - "be comfortable and get forever lazy!" - And I have seen the 3 min legs! it is hilarious!!1 lol almost as funny as the shake weight!
  • Yea the ones i have explain how each stretch will help you with pole dancing, and also there is time between each stretching exercise, so you know when she is moving to the next one,
  • and no I have not seen the Austin video, but i really do like this one , it counts down the seconds for you in each stretch position, and it is made for pole dancers.
  • I have yet to find a good advanced dvd, I have one or two but I don't really like them, I think "the art of pole" dvd's might be my next purchase, The ones that I just got, do not show much advanced stuff but it shows you how to condition , stretch, and strengthen your muscles so you CAN do more advanced stuff, I really…
  • lol I am lucky if i can run ONE mile on a good day let alone 8!! you go girl!!!
  • thanks guys< lots of good advice :)
  • I have calipers done every month and I have come up with 11-13% which I know is wrong because with that low BF% I would be sick ! So I just pay attention to what I am losing rather than the actual #, I have been loosing about 1% per month, and last month is was 1.5% I wanna have the BODPOD done, I think it would be really…
  • i don't know why it posted so many times, my computer is crazy.
  • OK, Apparently the pup is trying to be alpha, he wants control over the household., when it should be you who is in control. Aggression comes from pent up energy in their mind, and sometimes their body. Daily , CONTROLLED walks can really helps with this. Especially when you are walking both of the problem dogs together.…
  • OK, Apparently the pup is trying to be alpha, he wants control over the household., when it should be you who is in control. Aggression comes from pent up energy in their mind, and sometimes their body. Daily , CONTROLLED walks can really helps with this. Especially when you are walking both of the problem dogs together.…
  • OK, Apparently the pup is trying to be alpha, he wants control over the household., when it should be you who is in control. Aggression comes from pent up energy in their mind, and sometimes their body. Daily , CONTROLLED walks can really helps with this. Especially when you are walking both of the problem dogs together.…
  • OK, Apparently the pup is trying to be alpha, he wants control over the household., when it should be you who is in control. Aggression comes from pent up energy in their mind, and sometimes their body. Daily , CONTROLLED walks can really helps with this. Especially when you are walking both of the problem dogs together.…
  • Sorry to be shallow but, nope. I work extremely hard to keep myself in shape, and I like having a partner who does the same. I could not live with someone who does not do the work to take care of themselves. It is not a matter of looks for me it is a matter of having enough respect for themselves to be healthy, they don't…