I would be in big trouble if I didn't consider exercise calories as part of my diet, considering I am burning 600 - 1500 calories per run 5 or 6 days a week and some days even more. I'm sure if you're doing light exercise it's not as critical, but if your goal is to get fit not just skinny it may not be wise to ignore them…
Although I won't have access to a scale for another week, I am pretty sure I'm at my goal weight or very close to it. I'm rather nervous about switching into maintenance mode. Luckily, like another poster, I am training for a race - marathon - so for a while I have a reason to eat a ton. Hah. The worst part I think will be…
Are you talking about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction? If so, I will say that I have found it extremely helpful, personally. I have a chronic illness that has completely derailed my life, leading to much physical and emotional stress. Anyway, it's been good for me. Depending on your personality, you may be able to find…
I am 26 and I don't drink. My brothers and parents all drink a little bit here and there, but I've never enjoyed it. I suppose for me, it started out as money I didn't have to spend, as well as empty calories. It was something of a control thing as well, i didn't like what it did to me. Now I have been diagnosed with a…
You'll do great! Pay attention to your body. When I do 8 + miles I usually take some food with me - something that agrees with my stomach. By 10 or 11 I also have a small fuel bottle of Gatorade in addition to my water. These are things I've found I need, and many folks run longer distances without food or electrolytes,…
Enjoy them! It's a lovely way to run. I agree wholeheartedly with the advice to start very slowly - walking if possible, really, really short runs if necessary. Take your sweet time and progress with baby steps, it will be worth it in the end. I got Vibrams several years ago now and was a little too excited to run in them.…
I would say that plyometric exercises would combine cardio and strength training.
I have a similar issue. I run a cookie business for gluten free & vegan cookies. Unfortunately, after starting the business, I had to give up sugar because of an illness. We don't use much sugar and no refined sugar ... but still, I am not sure how to do quality control and not force my body to readjust to sugar - no sugar…
You can change the amount of weight you want to lose each week (1 lb for instance), and the amount you plan to exercise, and it will suggest a level of calories burned for that amount of time. Probably a better way to approach it if you have a specific amount you are aiming to lose each week.
I'm not sure how I feel about that article either. Usually, Mark does a good job with what he writes, but here I feel like he's really over simplifying. For one, as someone else suggested, what he pulls from the studies isn't entirely in context. He makes it sound like the recent studies, which were covered in the NY Times…
hkclaire - I have used regular quinoa, sprouted quinoa, and quinoa flakes. They give different texture results, so it would depend more on whether you want something chewier or smoother than any taste difference.
Chia pudding. Delicious. Night before, I mix up a couple tablespoons of chia seeds with quinoa, oats, buckwheat, or whatever else. Then (in my case) blend some frozen berries and almond milk or water and add it to the dry mix. Let it hang out in the fridge overnight and it firms up into a pudding and is all ready in the…
I love the Vega Energizing Smoothies and All-In-One Nutritional Shakes. They're super for a quick snack with lots of protein and other good stuff. I really like the chocolate, and also have the Vanilla Chai. You can buy (at least where I am) small single serving packs to try out different flavors. They are pricey, but…
OK, so here's a question: for those of you saying a middle distance run IS important - how high does one need to go? 10 miles? 12? More? I know this would change based on goals, personal experience, etc. Just curious what you might consider to be the minimum requirement for a mid distance to compliment the long run. I'm…
Thank you very much, I really appreciate the replies. Yes, this is my first marathon, and my goal is only to finish before they close the course. I have run 1 half (will be doing a 2nd one on Thanksgiving), and many 5 & 10 ks. I've been running fairly consistently for many years now and felt great after the half. I had to…
I ran my first half in May with my longest run being 10 miles. We were supposed to go up to 12 but didn't. There was an attempted 11 miler that ended early and not so well. Finished the race with energy to spare in 2:27, so don't be too worried about your training schedule. Whatever you decide to do for your last long run,…
I agree with others, the number isn't as important as how it's distributed. I'm 5'10" (and a 1/2); my high was 180 and I was a size 14 pants and really didn't like how it looked on me. 180 on many of you looks fabulous! I have absolutely no chest, and hold weight around my hips & abdomen, so weight that is nicely…