kid320 Member


  • Sorry about the confusion - I was able to post your pics in my reply above of your last post. All you do is go to your photobucket picture and click the "IMG Code" box on the righthand side... that will copy it to your clipboard. Paste that code here, but change the capital letters in the brackets [ IMG ] to lowercase - […
  • Just surround your link with [ img ] and [ /img ] (without the spaces) I think this should work:
  • A family member of mine sells the stuff and says that it does work really well, but most of her inquiries are from people with some money. She knows the stuff is overpriced and has a hard time convincing people who don't have a lot of disposable income to buy her product. My dermatologist recommended PanOxyl cream.…
  • Yea - when I start wrapping the extra leather beyond my hips, I know it will be time to get a new belt. Thanks a lot! Yep - I was expecting more replies with a subject line like that ;) That is when it is time to fatten your friends up... that way, you have some really nice leather belts to give them for Christmas.
  • chrisdavey and Lyadeia: I agree with both of you, but I don't want to start using that as an excuse to pig out at parties. However, I guess I can lay off the MFP thing a little bit every once in a while.
  • bslic: Taking a picture of your plate is a great idea... even if I look a little insane while doing it. It would allow me to get on with the party without feeling like I need to take 15 minutes out of great conversation with family in order to track calories. Skeith5: Yep, my concern is underestimating what I ate. The…
  • Thanks a lot for the replies. I had a feeling that is what was happening, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. It is also nice to know that this will slow down so I don't become discouraged when it happens.
  • Officially: I weight myself and record it once a week. Either Saturday or Sunday morning, right after I wake up and use the bathroom. Unofficially: I have OCD. So, the frequency of weighing myself depends on the number of times I pass by the scale during the day. On a day where I am just doing housework all day, I could…