lucky01day Member


  • VERY doable! just stick with it, if you really want it you can def do it! I plan to hit my final goal by Christmas (it's 13 weeks from now and I need to lose 2.9 lbs every week...) considering that when I don't really bust butt on exercise or anything I fluctuate about 2 lbs weekly, I know I can do it or at least come…
  • thanks a bunch, never would have though, but sounds great!
  • I feel lost... are you just eating the dry cake mix? lol or are you skipping out the rest of the ingrediants and baking a choc cake solely with a can of diet coke?
  • that sounds AMAZING! I may have o make that in quantity to take as breakfast for work on those days I need something thick and yummy!
  • I bought one of those gazelles and I love it! I still use the gym in my apt complex once or twice a week, but I use my gazelle EVERY morning... it's easier because it's conveinent so I don't have to waste my time getting ready to walk out the door or drive somewhere and I can just do it anytime i have a spare few minutes...
  • my total beginning goal to lose was 92lbs... I'm down 20 in about 31/2 mths (closer to 2 1/2 for most of it lost since I slacked off BAD the past 4 weeks) and back to kicking it in full gear again :)
  • I just bought one this past week and am loving it already!!! I use the website listed above though mine tracks the calories burned... seems to track them a lot higher on the machine which makes me really leary so I go for the lower of the #'s and just work out longer/harder to reach my goal... def feeling the machine on my…
  • it depends when I work out... I drink A LOT of water when I workout typically so I'm not usually too hungry afterward. With that being said, usually if I do eat something it is something small and snack-like like yogurt or something :ohwell:
  • I'm really bad about cravings primarily for chocolate... I keep dark choc bars handy bc they are richer so I only need a bite or 2 to do me in... as for salty, I LOVE the 100 cal white chaddar popcorn... perfect amt of snack and salt! :) hope this helps!!!
  • I took it for about a year and prob gained about 10lbs, however, I wasn't exactly being super healthy at that point either so I can't honestly say it was the shot soley that did it... it took me just over a year for my body to get back to normal though as far as periods go after I quit getting it though :)
  • hey guys! :) so, i have been REALLY off track the last few weeks and have gained back almost every thing i've lost since i started :( SO, i'm totally in on this one and my goal is rough but i'm gonna fight for this one... 10lbs by memorial day for me :) that should get me back on track and down by 2 from my start weight…
  • great job to both of you! I have a major issue with the office snacks myself... I just get bored at work and like to munch b/c it keeps me going... SO HARD :(
  • I agree with the working out with a friend thing completely! I love GOING with someone b/c it helps motivate me to actually get there, but I don't feel like I get even close to as good of a workout if I'm pacing myself with someone else-I get too bust talking and stuff like that vs actually keeping my mind set on upping my…
  • FORCE yourself to workout even just for 10min... it will get those endorphines going... that usually helps me :) GOOD LUCK!
  • Jacksonville, FL... could never move where it's cold... I TOTALLY take my weather for granted!!! haha
  • haha-sure ya did... Richard Simmons... another workout video to make things fun... are there short ones though? I like the 10min ones b/c a lot of the time I just don't have a lot of time but it makes me feel like I'm at least getting SOMETHING in... or if I'm not feeling like working out that 10min usually gets me pumped…
  • so I went and bought a couple of those videos b/c well when its not gorgeous outside I can't muster up enough motivation to walk to the gym to workout and refuse to drive to the gym when I can clearly walk there... ANYWAY, I LOVE them... its great for days when I'm feeling lame and even if I'm not motivated to actually…
  • that's a great way to think... I do that too, of course I think part of my reasoning is it makes me feel like i'm just not eating close to as much b/c I still have food left on my plate... but the more I do it, the harder it has become for me to honestly finish EVERYTHING I have on my plate... in the long run, def a great…