Fnarkk Member


  • For the pain in the bottom of the foot, what you are describing sounds like plantar fasciitis. Typically the sharp/ stabbing 'I am walking on glass' type of pain hits worst when you first get to your feet after being off them for a bit like when you first get out of bed; added to the back of the knee thing, I believe it…
  • SLEEP. I have long stretches of insomnia where I sleep less than 4hrs a day for a few months and I found that even though I think I eat the same as when I sleep for 6-7hrs, the weight starts creeping back. It also may have something to do with the fact that I can not exercise with the same vigor as when I am well rested as…
  • You do realise that if you call the cops on him and give him a record, it is going to be that much harder for him to actually get his act together? Better to either kick him out or just quit and leave.
  • I am with the one who says to sit with your fiance and CALMLY discuss how to handel the children so you can approach them on a non-divided front. If he gets irratible, don't raise your voice, just ask try to keep discussing things like adults. I work around 70 hrs/ wk and watch my kids during the day and I can say that…
  • I once ate the left side of the Burger King menu in under an hour. Some 11or so burgers/chicken/fish sandwitches (no cheese though, I hate cheese), a few sides (fries, onion rings, maby a dessert or two), and I think 3-4 small diet something or others. Yes it was a bet and no I didn't pay because I won the bet. Sadly, this…
  • Physical Therapy (Which I never use) and Inter-Departmental Science (Which I am working in now.)
  • Wow, how do I answer this? Not all women like romance; also what is romantic for the moment may change without warning into annoyance (12 years of personal experience). I would explain further by saying my wife would disagree and say that what is romantic to ME is not necessarily romantic for HER. Some people may need a…
  • Keg parties (and yes, the cops just took the kegs), the girls (I like big hair), punk rock rave parties (LOVED my ice-blue mohawk for the short time I had it), hitchhiking all over kingdom come to get to the concerts. Riding in the back of my mom's pick-up truck with my sisters/brothers and never a seatbelt in sight. As…
  • THIS. IS. AWESOME!!! Attach a generator to them and you can solve the energy crisis!!!! Err, are zombies considered 'green'?
  • Hmm, a pair of solid wood doors... heavy hinges... metal doorknobs... ok, with a few hours I can make everything from a spiky club and shield to a crossbow but in a few minutes I can make a sap (hinges in my socks for extra wallop) or perhaps a metal-shod quarterstaff with the doorknobs at the ends for that loving touch.
  • bump:smile:
  • Wow, nice work everyone. For me, I was very active in my teens/ early 20's and weighed about 199lbs with a 28-29" waist at 5'5" (very muscular). During my college years, I had to work to put myself through school an average of 70hrs a week and lived in my car due to financial constraints. Needless to say, I ate whatever I…
  • I am kind of confused on the 'muscles don't weigh more than fat' thing. Yes, I know a pound of X weighs the same as a pound of Y, however if you have a cube X filled with muscle and an identical cube X filled with fat... ahh... density. Got it. Sorry, a bit slow today.
  • Yes, this. Absolutely. Ran many, many tests in labs on both people and critters (as an assistant) to both prove this and to get general trends for people with various metabolic issues and/or diseases. Umm... white stuff in your pee? I.. err... yeah. no. Please go back to a different doctor.
  • Saltines, big time. I can't stop at one (sleave).
  • Cheese and rotten milk. To me they are one in the same. Disgusting stuff. Though I also don't mind the smell of a skunk; very odd, that.
  • Because it keeps track of your replies to posts, when you Bump it, it allows you to track the thread much easier. So, Bump= I have nothing to say but I want to be able to read what others are saying about the topic.
  • I made myself a costume out of several mirrors. When asked what I am I say 'look at me and tell me what you see' (Of course they only see their reflection), then I say 'I am You'. I was trying to figure out how to make a shape-shifter and this is the best one I could come up with on short notice.
  • I feel the sensation of falling and I wake up. I am about 3' above the ground and I slam into it with a force that stuns me rendering me unable to move but fully conscious. Everything around me feels ultra sharp, ultra real; almost more real than real. I am laying on top of a small island made of green hills floating in a…
  • My girls are into Jem now. My wife got them hooked and they found a channel that plays the retro cartoons like Jem. Every day. Every single day. *Sigh. Although at 2am or so I have seen a D&D one. Once in a while, they have random cartoons and it sometimes comes up. I think it is SE NH (USA) comcast 222, or 212? 225?…
  • All the above are great ideas. If you can make dough you can make dumplings, pot pies, stuffed biscuits, pizzas, many number of things for pennies a lb (Well, if not pennies, not too many bucks anyway.) Pasta Soups Stews Casseroles Meatloaf Shepard's Pie Cottage Pie Hmm, they even have meal stretchers....hamburger helper…
  • Does Coke contain enough acid to damage your stomach? Well, not really. While Coke does contain citric acid, phosphoric acid, and carbonic acid, the concentrations are very small. And while the acid is corrosive, the acid concentration in Coke is lower than that of orange juice or lemonade and the pH of that whole mess is…
  • Absolutely. My wife and I have been married 11+ years and we have fallen in and out of love with each other many times. Throughout history, (I am so sorry.. I am going to get long-winded...) love was considered a madness that , thankfully, happened to few people and passed quickly. This was why it was important to…
  • Hey yeah. When I was in college I drank 3-4 2liters of coke a day. After graduating, I ended up in a place where the coca-cola was free so I drank around 15 cans daily for 10+ years. Switching to diet coke was hard, damn hard. It tasted terrible, It didn't give the right lift, etc. etc. Still, it took me 6 months or so to…