Want to burn more fat..try these 3 things



  • rochiero
    Thank you this was very helpful info and I will keep going. I started to freak because Im not losing weight. I need to start to measure myself because the scale hasnt moved but I am feeling different in my clothes. Thanks again.
  • Fnarkk
    Fnarkk Posts: 61 Member
    I am kind of confused on the 'muscles don't weigh more than fat' thing. Yes, I know a pound of X weighs the same as a pound of Y, however if you have a cube X filled with muscle and an identical cube X filled with fat... ahh... density. Got it. Sorry, a bit slow today.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Makes sense to me. I plateaued in May, and increased my strength training in June. I stayed on the plateau until October. I got very frustrated with the plateau (as anyone would!) and started tracking measurements, and went back and re calculated body fat % and such from the time I started. While on the plateau my measurements changed every week, just not the scale. I had lost 30% of my body weight by May, but by October I had GAINED 10 pounds on my lean body mass in comparison to my beginning numbers.
  • chicklidell
    The source is Shin Ohtake, google him, maxworkouts.com I think the author is irelevant, it could have been written by a kin student for all I care. No one is claiming medical science here, it's someones point of view, someone who I respect and admire, and have worked with. That being said, I don't always agree with his point of views, but he does get results. Some of his stuff is redundant and not applicable to my lifestyle, but definitely could be of value to someone else.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    That one part really bugged me too. But I do agree 100% with strength training and weight just being a number. I track body fat percentage. :)

    Take it from an ex skinny fat girl
    I really couldn't allow for myself to keep going after reading this:
    Well, not quite. See, although muscle weighs more than fat, it’s also more metabolically active than fat which means, it burns more calories. So, if you were to replace fat with lean muscle you may not see any immediate weight loss (in fact…it’s not uncommon to see a slight weight gain initially)...

    I think I know where the author is getting at, but he made is sound extremely confusing. Furthermore, anybody who begins a sentence to include "...muscle weighs more than fat" has an inherent risk of losing my attention. Maybe I have A.D.D.? Who knows.
  • CowLover111
    CowLover111 Posts: 17 Member
    Oh, I'm wounded. I love cardio, not just to lose weight but because it's fun. I can ride my bike for a couple hours just because I enjoy it and I frequently go running with friends. I don't find standing in my living room lifting hand weights to be enjoyable. I honestly have great leg muscles from all the running and biking I do, but my core is pathetic and my arms are skinny-fat. But I don't have access to a gym. I do have a weight bar, although I'm not sure how much it weighs, as well as 3 pound, 5 pound, and 8 pound hand weights. And a resistance band and pull up bar. I've also recently taken up yoga. Any suggestions about what I can do with those items in a limited space, ideally in 30 minutes or less?
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    @Chicklidell (love the name by the way) - I think you explained it perfectly. So many people become obsessed with the # on the scale, when it is so much more than that!! Well said!!
  • chicklidell
    Oh, I'm wounded. I love cardio, not just to lose weight but because it's fun. I can ride my bike for a couple hours just because I enjoy it and I frequently go running with friends. I don't find standing in my living room lifting hand weights to be enjoyable. I honestly have great leg muscles from all the running and biking I do, but my core is pathetic and my arms are skinny-fat. But I don't have access to a gym. I do have a weight bar, although I'm not sure how much it weighs, as well as 3 pound, 5 pound, and 8 pound hand weights. And a resistance band and pull up bar. I've also recently taken up yoga. Any suggestions about what I can do with those items in a limited space, ideally in 30 minutes or less?

    If you're really serious...inbox me..I can get you toned with no weight, simply your own bodyweight as resistance...lol