

  • Hhhmm, I'd say pizza, diet pepsi and maybe a lemon pie or cheese cake!!!! Yummmm...... Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Right now since I am on a food plan I weigh in every Monday morning before breakfast. As I come off of the food plan I will probably weigh in Sun. and Wed. or something like that. Also, measurements once a week.
  • Wow, yep made me cry and smile at the same time too. Thanks for sharing. I mean, like, awesome job!!!:smile:
  • Yes Welcome!! I am new here too. I am also not thinking of this as a diet, I need to change how I eat. I am more conscious of what I shovel into my body now. I also have been drinking more water. I think my new trick is to drink 1-2 glasses of water about 20-30 minutes before we sit down to eat. And also to try and eat…
    in Hey All! Comment by Peg007 May 2010
  • Good luck to u Jessica. U can achieve anything u put your mind to. Set a goal and prove yourself right. I just joined this week too & have already found this site very beneficial and helpful in many ways. Again good luck to u.:smile: :smile:
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