kodiak1957 Member


  • This. I use the same machine every time, since it is tough to find one that doesn't have something non-functional. Most runners don't use the incline, but I incline to the max when walking, so I need a machine where the incline functions. I also need the heart rate monitor to work.
  • Congrats for taking this first step. I know how you feel. I was 326 and was mortified that I had let myself get that large. When I started I knew the gym would be pointless, so I just walked. At first it was just around the block one time. Then after a week, it was twice. I kept adding more, then joined the gym and used…
  • Years ago I was on what was called a 750/30 diet. 750 calories a day, and 30g of carbs. I remember a lot of steamed fish and broccoli. But that was under medical supervision, twice weekly visits where my blood was monitored every visit. I also did aerobics and weight training every day. I did lose 60lbs and felt find, but…
  • Same issue here. I had intended to continue to wear my old clothing until I reached my goal (the better to freak out my co-workers when I buy new "skinny clothes"), but I came close to a "wardrobe malfunction" last week when my pants almost fell off while I was walking through the office. So I need to permanently retire…
  • I saw a taco shell made with bacon on a food blog. Bacon taco shell. Whoa.
  • First, you have to realize that MFP is supplying you with a suggested Basal Metabolic Rate (the rate you burn calories when at rest), based on averages for your age, sex, height, and weight. It may or may not be accurate. There are machines that your doctor can use to get an accurate measurement of a BMR, but you will…
  • Wow, I am totally brainstorming a new concept for a gym! Any investors?? :-)
  • Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. Our "pouch" is held in by two things-muscle and ligament. If there is not fat, a woman can still have a pouch if the ligaments have been stretched or damaged (the "pouch" in this case is your intestines bulging through the no-longer-tight ligaments). You can regain muscle tone, but…
  • Not me, but my ex left me due to my being overweight. His self-esteem was very much wrapped up in my appearance (he could not view himself as successful as a man as long as he had an overweight wife). To his defense, he took a LOT of harassment from his co-workers for several years due to my appearance, until he finally…
  • ^^ This^^. Muscle does weigh more than fat, by volume. Of course a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat, but one square foot of muscle weighs far more than one square foot of fat. Do your own experiment...cut a square inch of butter and a square inch of rib eye and toss them in a bowl of water. The butter will…
  • Soup. I am one of those people who absolutely loves soup, so I make batches of homemade soup on Saturday or Sunday and freeze it for the week. Since I am diabetic, I keep my recipes low carb and low fat, and my carbs are complex carbs. I had a small garden this summer and grew quite a lot of kale and swiss chard. You can…
  • I melt a slice of it on a large grilled portabella cap. Add some wasabi aioli on a toasted ciabatta roll, and you have a great sandwich!