Is this rude, or am I just exaggerating the issue



  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Running? Not even once.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    :o wait what!?? i just really?? smoking while on the gym plus using a machine? oh god i must sound so silly but i have ever ever seeing that and i didn't think that was possible, i don't know i would be so upset and in shock i suppose although i live outside the U.S so i'll assume that it's consider quite normal there.

    ps: to the OP above :( of course everyone should respect other people choices BUT my grandma die of lung cancer, she smoke her whole life and when she got to her 50 or 60 she quit.. 15 years later ---) lung cancer, love her and miss her like hell but boy that was a selfish adult decision she did

    Reading is funde.....Oh never mind.

    Did it cross your mind that maybe English isn't her first language?

    She typed out a well thought out understandable response. She can go back RE-READ the OP post. To think that someone would smoke next to someone on the TM I for one would go back and re-read the OP to make sure I am reading it correctly since it sounds so absurd.

    you know thank you because i've realize my mistake and on the "absurd" thing like i said i assume that was a American acceptable thing to do and i post it, might be news to you but there a lot of cultural differences out there and things the would sound absurd to you is quite acceptable in other cultures .

    I've yet to see a gym where smoking is ok in any country.
    Although my gym, in Germany, does serve beer.

    you see that where i live would be in the absurd things book , the most you can get in my country is a protein shake and a granola bar

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    :o wait what!?? i just really?? smoking while on the gym plus using a machine? oh god i must sound so silly but i have ever ever seeing that and i didn't think that was possible, i don't know i would be so upset and in shock i suppose although i live outside the U.S so i'll assume that it's consider quite normal there.

    ps: to the OP above :( of course everyone should respect other people choices BUT my grandma die of lung cancer, she smoke her whole life and when she got to her 50 or 60 she quit.. 15 years later ---) lung cancer, love her and miss her like hell but boy that was a selfish adult decision she did

    Reading is funde.....Oh never mind.

    Did it cross your mind that maybe English isn't her first language?

    She typed out a well thought out understandable response. She can go back RE-READ the OP post. To think that someone would smoke next to someone on the TM I for one would go back and re-read the OP to make sure I am reading it correctly since it sounds so absurd.

    you know thank you because i've realize my mistake and on the "absurd" thing like i said i assume that was a American acceptable thing to do and i post it, might be news to you but there a lot of cultural differences out there and things the would sound absurd to you is quite acceptable in other cultures .

    I've yet to see a gym where smoking is ok in any country.
    Although my gym, in Germany, does serve beer.

    you see that where i live would be in the absurd things book , the most you can get in my country is a protein shake and a granola bar
    Hopefully just different and not absurd.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I would rather not have someone take the machine right next to me, but wouldn't really care much if they did. I do think you are being overly dramatic. As others have said, they may like that particular treadmill for whatever reason...some people are creatures of habit...or just not have the same need for space and not think anything of it.

    I run in the park now, but when I used to go to the gym I definitely had preferences. I didn't like being in the second row of treadmills if I didn't have to, so even if the entire second row was empty I would take a treadmill in the first row even if I had to be right next to somebody. I liked being able to look out over the main room instead of at the back of whoever was in front of me. View matters when you are stuck in one spot for a half hour or 45 minutes. LOL!

    I also preferred being on an end, so would take a treadmill on the end next to someone instead of one in the middle with nobody on either side. Just my own personal preferences...nothing wrong with that. That's part of going to a have to deal with other people.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    edited January 2015
    You are, I'm afraid, exaggerating the issue. Do you have a 'The very smell of smoke might kill me' sign around your neck? Is a person just supposed to intuit that your health issues are so serious that you can't deal with the day to day irritants that come with being exposed to other members of the human race?

    And don't even get me started on this issue people seem to have with people getting on a treadmill next to them. I wasn't aware of any 'must leave one treadmill of space between people least you be a social misfit/jerk/hitting on them' etiquette and I tend to hop on whichever one is closest to the TV I wanna stare at.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    At my old gym they had a row of treadmills in front of a row of tvs, on various stations. I would get on the treadmill in front of the tv that was playing something I was interested in. Sometimes it meant I was right beside the only other person using the treadmill.
  • kodiak1957
    kodiak1957 Posts: 13 Member

    chodde wrote: »
    Another thought is that possibly that is the treadmill the person runs on every day. I know in my old gym, when you found a treadmill that didn't slip or stop suddenly on you, you used it and never changed (took me 5 treadmills one day before I could effectively run my 5 miles). I don't have that problem in my new gym but then again all 25 are filled up too.

    This. I use the same machine every time, since it is tough to find one that doesn't have something non-functional. Most runners don't use the incline, but I incline to the max when walking, so I need a machine where the incline functions. I also need the heart rate monitor to work.
  • mikedenali
    mikedenali Posts: 181 Member
    Smoking STINKS. that is all
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I like to play hookey and go to a matinee when the movie theater is almost completely empty, and I can't tell you the number of times a single person has come into the damn near empty theater and sat down right next to me.

    I really think some people just can't handle being by themselves. Either it just freaks them out to be alone with their thoughts (these people are annoying if you know them IRL, because they tend to be clingy), or for some reason they are just embarrassed that someone will see them by themselves and they try to hide it by sitting next to another person.
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    I think there is something of a herd mentality also, that if there are numerous open spots and one person occupying palace, the next perso is going to comeup right next to the first person...kind of a primitive safety in numbers thing...but also, people who smoke, cannot smell iron themselves and don't realize how strong an odor it is
  • jams0411
    jams0411 Posts: 16 Member
    you know i could potentially understand you BUT ---> 'I think if you smoke, and there are open machines, you should out of respect not get one right beside someone else if you don't have to. Out of respect for others considering not everyone can tolerate that smell. I know most smokers do not realize they carry a smell, but trust me you do' yeah if i was a smoker that part i would found it sort of disrespectful/judgamental , the way i see it is as someone thought the same from if me being obese i'm sitting next to them on an airplane or something and would think that i should pick another chair.

    so yeah i believe a lot in not label people like 'i don't smoke and i know better than you' and because you are grown person who surely have this condition since forever would know how to handle this situation better i would assume.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Different cultures, different standards of personal space. I hear Canadians demand the most. Figures.

    Canadians aren't that bad. Germans, OTOH ... #toosoon?

  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    People parking themselves right by me in an otherwise empty room.... they raise suspicion. Smoking odors though, I'm like the only person in the world who doesn't smoke but doesn't care about smoke smells. Unless you're literally shoving my face into an ashtray, I'm unfazed. What I don't wanna smell is someone microwaving FISH in the break room at work. X( I'll take a cigarette over a fish any day.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    Thank goodness some reasonable people finally chimed in. The first couple pages I was starting to worry how anyone functioned in the world with all the "rules".

    I'm huge on personal may not live if you try to hug me and I work in an occupation where arms length is strictly enforced, but it never occurred to me that I should be bothered if someone took a treadmill or chair next to me....if I'm creeped out, I'll move. If they smelled, I'd move cuz it's my issue, not theirs. The world is full of bad smells and sometimes they're on people....perfume is the worst to me, but I've suffered through it many times. My hubby is super allergic to perfume and has had to get off elevators sucking on his inhaler, but somehow he has found a way to function in society without a meltdown. It would be nice if he could live in a scent free world, but that's not how reality works.

    My brother is drop dead in minutes allergic to nuts, fish, and eggs and no one made his school a nut, fish, or egg free zone. We ate peanut butter, fish, and eggs regularly in my home growing up. He lived to adulthood....he's still alive because he learned to manage the risks properly. Not to say some freak allergy accidents haven't happened to people in this world, but most people cope.

    I vote overreaction. My rant for the day is done. That is all.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    its not like she was smoking on the treadmill…so she smoked one before she came in .if the treadmill was open then she as much right to it as anyone else…I mean I guess next time you could tape the thing off and say "mine" to anyone who walks over…

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    People parking themselves right by me in an otherwise empty room.... they raise suspicion. Smoking odors though, I'm like the only person in the world who doesn't smoke but doesn't care about smoke smells. Unless you're literally shoving my face into an ashtray, I'm unfazed. What I don't wanna smell is someone microwaving FISH in the break room at work. X( I'll take a cigarette over a fish any day.

    We aren't allowed to reheat fish in the break room at my place of employment! There's a lovely little sign above the microwave haha
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    In the words of Elsa.... Let it go... Let I GOOOO!

    I'm going to change an old saying around.....Nobody can annoy you without your permission....
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Maryt1961 wrote: »
    I think there is something of a herd mentality also, that if there are numerous open spots and one person occupying palace, the next perso is going to comeup right next to the first person...kind of a primitive safety in numbers thing...but also, people who smoke, cannot smell iron themselves and don't realize how strong an odor it is

    Agree with the herd thing. It's like when I go to the grocery store and all the checkout lines are empty, cashiers jibber jabbering to each other in boredom. Then I get my "Less than 10 items" and rush to check out....only to find DMV style lines forming in at all the stations. Like wtf, peeps?

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    :o wait what!?? i just really?? smoking while on the gym plus using a machine? oh god i must sound so silly but i have ever ever seeing that and i didn't think that was possible, i don't know i would be so upset and in shock i suppose although i live outside the U.S so i'll assume that it's consider quite normal there.

    ps: to the OP above :( of course everyone should respect other people choices BUT my grandma die of lung cancer, she smoke her whole life and when she got to her 50 or 60 she quit.. 15 years later ---) lung cancer, love her and miss her like hell but boy that was a selfish adult decision she did

    Reading is funde.....Oh never mind.

    hi! can you explain your post? i didn't get it, english it's not my primary lenguage and basically everything i know was learn from watching friends/everybody loves Raymond, so i miss a lot of fun post because of it
    Ignore it. It's probably some jab at your English, though why it references reading, I have no idea.

    Good job on your English. Post away. It's against the rules to correct others on language issues. :)

    it's not a jab at their ESL. the OP said the other person smell of smoke, not that they were smoking while on the equipment. that's what he was taking a cheap shot at.
    So she's not taking a jab at her English skills, just her English reading skills. Got it. :\

  • CharleneMarie723
    CharleneMarie723 Posts: 98 Member
    Yes, you overreacted. I live in NYC and work on an airplane. Someone on the treadmill next to me wouldn't faze me one bit. But maybe I work out at a different intensity and am not paying attention to who or what is near me- I'm focusing on my breathing, stride, and form.