rachellebells Member


  • ah okay!! Thank you!! Yes i think so:) ill probably leave it this time and experiment with it!! Worse that can happen is ill gain a pound or so but it will go as soon As I resume my normal weekly intake :) thank youuu
  • Hi:) thanks for the reply, but that is actually what I already do. I try to have the same calorie intake each Week but it varies from day to day.My question is that I was wondering how many extra calories you could get away with weekly without any significant gain.
  • Hi, thank you for your reply:) but I don't want to gain anymore:) I was maintaining by eating 1650 a day the weight of 47kg and now that I'm 50 I'm wondering if I need to increase the calories to maintain this weight not 47 and if I eat 1640 again if my weight will drop back down to 47 xx
  • Thank you for your reply! My circumstances have actually changed.. I managed to reach 50kg by having a few days in the week where I was quite naughty! Even though I wanted to do it my pace I managed to get to 50 anyway so I'm fine with it. Now my question is, do I go back to eating 1640 a day ? Will that make me go back to…
  • That's awesome that you're doing that!! Would love to know how you get on:)
  • I'm a little over 5'4 and 46kg. I'm happy being this weight and maintaining this weight for now although I'm slowly aiming to reach higher, just stabilising my weight with those cals and aiming to add a little more to gain about a kilo when I feel ready to do so:) I don't actually exercise!! I just walk around a lot, I'm…
  • Ah well im glad I'm not the only one who was wondering this!:) Basically I eat 1640 cals every day apart from Thursdays where I eat between 500-600 cals ( I have a protein day as I've been on the dukan and successfully completed it) and the rest of the week I eat everything I want as long as I stay at 1640 cals and its…
  • Twinketta, That is so kind of you to say thank you so much!!:) and for your reply as well! Thank you ultraconvoy and s10c69 that's so reassuring!! I don't mind cutting a couple of calories for a few days this week to make up for it but its good to know that I might just be able to get away with the odd overindulgence and…
  • Haha, thank you!:) yeah it definitely makes sense!! Wish I came across it before!!!
  • Thank you for your replies!! Yes, sorry I know what I mean but can't explain things properly! Hah:) Basically, I read a few posts about people who say, eat around 2000cals daily and maintain their weight of 'x' lbs. Then instead of eating 1,200 cals daily to lose weight, they decide to eat, say, 1700 calories a day, which…
  • Absutely right. The thing with dukan though is that in the attack phase you see results fast- that instantly is a huge motivator.. The second phase is a little slower and third phase is basically teaching you how to eat normally and to be balanced which is the long term phase of the diet and definitely a long term mission!…
  • Absutely right. The thing with dukan though is that in the attack phase you see results fast- that instantly is a huge motivator.. The second phase is a little slower and third phase is basically teaching you how to eat normally and to be balanced which is the long term phase of the diet and definitely a long term mission!…
  • Hi! Yes I would definitely recommend it! Because it works but mostly because if you stick to it, it teaches you a way to enjoy food, ALL food, in moderati on and with balance , and the weight doesn't come back ! I don't feel like im on a diet any more! im in conso and in fact, I enjoy foods I wouldn't have touched before…
  • Hello fellow dukaners :):): im in consolidation and I honestly am the living version if a dukan book... I am obsessed and have various folders, books in different languages etc!!! So please feel free to add me and ask me any questions if I can help I'd love to!! Ill be starting phase 4 soon and plan on tackling it by still…
  • Hi everyone!! I'd be glad to help anyone!! I'm in the consolidation phase (phase 3) and no joke I literally know this diet by heart. If you guys have any questions or need help I'd love to help! I finish soon but ill be still living with dukan principles and counting cals to make sure I stay within my maintenance and have…