sarahp_100 Member


  • yeah - but if it says one portion is x amount of grams on the packet of pasta, is doesn't say whether thats before of after cooking. Obviously the pasta will be heavier after cooking because it has aborbed loads of water!
  • Hey - I am 25 and have just started back aswell. I am usually quite fit and do a lot of excercise but i find that my food puts me off track. I have about 20lb to loose after spending 5 months living in france (with its cheese and bread!). I have been back training yesterday and today and am feeling very sore :) I think i…
  • Hi Clare, I'm glad to see you have made a start! I hope that this tool will help keep you motivated and give you an outlet to talk to people. I too suffered from depression last year, and althougth it wasn't due to a weight problem I understand how difficult it can be to do ANYtHING. I think the trick is to focus on why…
  • I have just started back on this again last week - I find it hard to keep my focus! FR sent
  • hey - it's great to see that your getting into running. i love running and have just completed my first marathon last week! I would reccommend that you change things up a bit so that you are not doing the same thing every day. If you are doing 4 sessions a week I would suggest that two are long slow-ish runs where you are…