Hi, any friends would be more than welcomed ^^

Hello, my name is Clare i am 39 yrs old and live in swadlincote,derbyshire in the UK, i have only found this website today
and im around 238 pounds in weight and want to go down to around 168 pounds or less.

I am rather shy and a bit of a recluse, as i suffered with deep depression a few yrs back and still slightly depressed now but that's due to my weight and wanting to lose it, but having no energy to do so.

But i have woke up today and decided i need to do this and i will do it, i have been for my first 20 minute walk, which was kinda hard lol, but i would love some friends so we can motivate each other, and maybe give a few tips on what there doing on there fitness plans etc.


  • sarahp_100
    sarahp_100 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Clare,

    I'm glad to see you have made a start! I hope that this tool will help keep you motivated and give you an outlet to talk to people.

    I too suffered from depression last year, and althougth it wasn't due to a weight problem I understand how difficult it can be to do ANYtHING. I think the trick is to focus on why you NEED (it's not an option to stay there now) to get out of bed in the morning, whether it be for you family or more importantly YOURSELF.

    As for excercise the best thing you can do is get a support group around you, you are WAY more likely to get up and go to the gym/park if you know there are people there waiting for you. And the other thing is routine. Exercise at the same time everyday and just get into the routine - it will just become part of your normal day, like taking a shower or making your dinner.

    Anyway - FR sent. Hope to hear how you are getting on.
  • fat2fitbride
    Hi claire,

    Ive sent you a friend request - maybe we can support each other on our goals? Xx
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hey Clare, welcome to the site - I've had a similar story, but I'll be honest - once you're settled in here and found some great friends you'll find that it's simply irreplaceable. My friends have helped me a lot! Especially on days where I just CANNOT get going, so, enjoy your time here and lets get going on this journey for you! Will send a FR :)
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Claire,
    I'm also from the UK ( Suffolk) we are similar age & have a similar weight goal, will send friend request.
    Good luck with your weight loss journey :)

  • jennyva246
    jennyva246 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Claire

    Glad that you've chosen this site to become encouraged - it's a good place!

    I too have dealt with depression in the past, and still have to guard against it. I've found that exercise & proper eating does help, and so I've chosen to make it a priority every day to record those things. The weight loss that comes (slowly) also helps.

    I'm a 46 year old mother of grown children, working full time with a 2 hour drive every day. Definitely a challenge to eat properly and get any exercise. Let's commit to this!

    Wishing you the best!!

    Canadian Jen
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Clare, I'm in Ireland, I'm 35 years old, mum of a 12 year old girl who's my main motivation. I'm just climbing my way up out of a deep depression myself. Eating better and exercising really helps.

    I started with 20 minute walks too, the first week my legs really hurt but it got easier now I'm doing 30 minutes this week. The weather has been rotten here so I've been using Leslie Sansone's "Walk at Home" on rainy days.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I've got a lot to lose so I'll be around for a while :wink:
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Hi Clare,
    My name is Sherrie, I’m 39, married, and a mother of 2 boys (9 and 6). I discovered MyFitPal some time ago but haven’t used it properly, or been honest. I understand about the depression and hope you are feeling better.
    I have been diagnosed as clinically depressed but also have a lot of symptoms of hypothyroidism and just completed the blood panels and my DR says all is normal, so I am about to start Zoloft myself. I really hope it helps with the fatigue!! Maybe then I will be able to exercise more and can shed some of the pounds I keep losing and finding all over again!! Talk about BOOMERANG!!
    I am in Virginia and would like to add you as friend, maybe we can help each other keep on track and offer encouragement and support.

    P.S. Good on you for starting the day with a workout!!
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    Hi Claire I'm in the UK too so please feel free to add me.
    I'm 41 been dieting most of my life .. I have an open diary to friends and I eat normal food :smile:
    I don' t always make the healthiest choice ever if I am having a bad day but I always aim to stay within my calories as this is a lifestyle change for me and I know I won't spend the rest of my life eating lettuce and boiled chicken :laugh:

    Congratulations on taking the first steps to a healthier you , I sympathise with the depression as I have had some pretty low times in my life and I know how hard it is but as the other say eating better does make you feel better :flowerforyou:
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Hello, I started this site couple weeks ago hopefully get some help getting rid of this pregnancy weight. I gave birth 4 months ago. I am also suffering from major depression. It has gotten worse since I became a mom. I always had depression since I was 13-14 years old. I try to work out everyday to keep my mind off it and try at least to feel good afterwards. I do have my moments when I just want to pig out all day and not care. But since I started this web site I am trying my hardest not to do that. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Hello, my name is Clare i am 39 yrs old and live in swadlincote,derbyshire in the UK, i have only found this website today
    and im around 238 pounds in weight and want to go down to around 168 pounds or less.

    I am rather shy and a bit of a recluse, as i suffered with deep depression a few yrs back and still slightly depressed now but that's due to my weight and wanting to lose it, but having no energy to do so.

    But i have woke up today and decided i need to do this and i will do it, i have been for my first 20 minute walk, which was kinda hard lol, but i would love some friends so we can motivate each other, and maybe give a few tips on what there doing on there fitness plans etc.

    Hey Clare,

    Thought I'd comment on your post as although I've never been diagnosed with depression I think I did suffer it when I was younger but didn't know where to go for the help. I used to find (and still do) exercise is great for lifting the spirits and managing stress. I'm quite a shy and quiet person myself but I've found I've been coming out of myself a bit more and making friends etc since losing weight and going to the gym. Especially going to classes. I will be more than happy to help give you a bit of support and motivation (and anyone else who needs it) so feel free to add me.

    I have about 20 lbs to lose I think. I slip off the wagon every so often and I've not weigh myself in about a month because it's been hard. Now that I am on the wagon I don't want to be distracted by the numbers.

    Anyway, good luck with your journey and well done for taking the first few positive steps cos to me they are the hardest x