jedwardsau Member


  • If someone offered me something they had made then I would accept a small serve and eat it - as they made it - otherwise, I tell them I am on a diet....usually my line is... I'm on a diet...but since you made it yourself, then I will accept :) But if it tastes like poopoo then I will not finish it ;) Lollies from a…
  • Yep she was Asian. Mainland Chinese. Yes stick figures are the norm in the media! I'll see if i can find a pic for my profile
  • I am back on 1200 as well (after a hiatus in unemployment in the last month or so) - I pretty much avoid most carbs and sugars. With the weather starting to get warmer here in Oz - I am now eating more salad. I also have a stash of "miracle noodles" - well the cheaper copies from Asian supermarkets anyway. As for…
  • I am a 12 or 14 G (depending on brand) I have freya bras - and sports crops - I have a Title Nine Frog Bra which has lasted 5 years now - and I want another - but being in Australia means I cannot order them in. They hold the girls down! (I have run in 10km events)
  • I have huge calves (as well as my legs) too - seems to be genetic, I could never get zip up boots at the stores (I always walked out close to tears) I have tried EVERYTHING! calf raises, walking lunges, running, cycling...I just decided I will deal with it. I managed to find boots though - Bennetts Boots…
  • Birthday was on the 24th I got back on it the next day and decided to also start weighing in on Mondays (I was weighing in on Wednesdays) it makes using the software easier as well - as it starts on a Monday and I cannot change it! I also reviewed my goals during the week - I was on 2 pounds (about 1kg) a week loss - but…