People suck - major confidence hit



  • 84woolf
    84woolf Posts: 153
    I would guess the comment was in part due to cultural reasons...not just Asian.
    Im first generation Canadian & my grandmother is SUPER European (came to the Western world after age 35)- its very normal for people 50+ (not born here) to seem to lack TACT, at the bare minimum & say whatever comes to their minds.

    My own grandmother has casually told me I was getting fat...ha. Ive heard women comment about their husbands not getting it up anymore, that persons haircut is bad, etc. TOTALLY cringeworthy. While I understand its accepted & normal for some people to talk bluntly, & its NOT meant from the point of trying to be malicious - its still super hurtful :(

    I know its hard, but try to shake it off. Clearly that person is lacking a few things upstairs or is at least not on the same wavelength as most people. Keep working hard at your goals & try to brush off these type of things, though I know its hard. All the best!
  • Was she asian? Unfortunately, in a lot of asian cultures, that's perfectly acceptable to say... I'm looking at you, Korea.
    If you are in Latin America, brace yourself too. It's not seen as rude to comment on another person's weight.
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Hey honey!

    Don't you let what other people say or even think get you down. They don't know where you've been OR what you've been doing to accomplish your goals.
    I have the same problem. I have average face, arms, and legs except where the extra skin likes to "hang out." :ohwell: I have a lot of "fluff" still left in the middle. :indifferent:
    I just always keep in mind that I'm doing the best I can. I have come a LONG ways and I still have some ways to go.

    Keep your head up. *SMILE* all the time! Have FUN! :bigsmile: Eat your daily required calories and keep a normal fitness routine and you will see the weight melt off. Not eating causes the weight to STAY ON. So eat! Eat! EAT!

    *HUGS* You keep doing your best honey!

  • You are obviously working on yourself because you are on here, that's what matters. You can't change ignorance so don't try. I wonder what I would have done, probably either cry or punch her in the face LOL.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I would call that salon and tell the manager what happened. Ask for your money back and tell her you'll be letting all your friends know how horrible their service is.

    I agree. I have worked as an English teacher in the Arab world, and it's very important when you work with people of other cultures to know what is and is not appropriate in the culture that you're working in. The manager needs to be aware of this so he or she can stop this person from offending more customers and maybe give cultural sensitivity training to all the staff.

    Plus the fact that the comment ruined your experience so you deserve to get your money back. (make sure you say that in no uncertain terms)

    Also, I'd write rather than call. A letter tends to have more impact than a call or an email.
  • bevfazio
    bevfazio Posts: 25 Member
    You should have told her that you have been trying to gain weight on the head too but it isn't working! We are born in the wrong time. Thanks to skeletal mental images of what is considered beautiful in today's society, we endure the rudeness of other's perceptions of beauty. Focus on health and not thin!
  • jedwardsau
    jedwardsau Posts: 9 Member
    Yep she was Asian. Mainland Chinese.

    Yes stick figures are the norm in the media!

    I'll see if i can find a pic for my profile
  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    I got a haricut from a new lady about 5 months ago. I told her I wanted a similar style to her's only a bit longer. She tells me "Oh, yes not too short on you. You have the thick neck, the thick body, need the longer hair. I have the thin neck, thin body, I need the shorter hair!" REALLY??? She's lucky she had those scissors and I'm a total doormat and have no nerve to say anything lmbo!