

  • Great way to think of it because it's visual! I need to lose about 36 pounds totoal but that's the weight of a toddler and I have to remind myself no wonder I'm so tired all the time - I'm dragging around a toddler 24/7. So Tamara - you rock! You have "put down" the 10-year old you've been carrying around! :smile: I bet…
  • I'm late but I'm in! I'll do 9:00.
  • Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Then you are in the right place. You are young and have the 30s to look forward to. Maybe use that as motivation - that you want to look such and such a way by your 30th birthday. There's a lot you can do in 2 years. Clip out some pictures of hot women in their 30s and use them as motivation. Just think how cool it will be…
  • I'm 52 and I can honestly say my 30s were my best decade. It's really the perfect age - you're stil young enough that you look and feel good but you're old enough that you're an established "grown-up". Enjoy yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm sorry you're going through this. I think the best thing you could have done is to at least admit it to yourself. From the title of your post it appears that you don't want anyone - even us in cyberspace who you probably don't know anyway - to know your secret. I think there's a lot of guilt and shame that you're…
  • OMG! 50 mg sugar! Glad I asked. Yes, the sugar-free at 35 calories sounds like a better choice. Expect I suspect it has aspertame or some other sweetener. Probably the best choice is to stay away from it altogether! :smile:
  • Actually, I don't really like meat that much so it's really not much of a hardship to be honest. I like soy milk so that's fine too and I've already noticed my allergies improving. Sugar is the hardest thing for me - I am a sugar fiend! But I do find that if I eat 2-3 pieces of fruit each day I dont' have the cravings.
  • I've seen some pure maple syrup in the health foods area of my grocery store. None of them have the nutritional information on them. This probably sounds like a dumb question but, how much sugar is in it? Is it 100% sugar OR is it no sugar (even though it's sweet) because it only has the one ingredient and comes from a…
  • All I can say is that my son and I got Chinese last night. I had 2 shrimp egg rolls with duck sauce and 2 fortune cookies. Holy moley! 694 calories! Won't be doing that again soon. I'm thinking vegetable lo-mein or vegetable mu-shu would be better choices. Anybody have any ideas about those two?
  • Well, I guess there are a lot more 50+ women than we thought! My goal for this month is to 1. lose another 2 pounds for a total of 5 2. eat 5 servings of fruits & vegetables each day 3. exercise 5 days a week for at least 20 minutes The third one will be the hardest. Time, energy and motivation are major hurdles for me…
  • Thanks for the feedback and good info, everyone! I had never heard of the ball chair but did go to the website. $99 is actually not a bad price for a desk chair when you think about it. It's pretty funky looking, though!! :laugh: I'm sure my co-workers would get a lot of laughs out of it! Now if only I had $99..... :sad:
  • Count me in! I'm 52 and just started December 26th. So far the scale is telling me I've lost 3 pounds. I've given up meats, sugar and milk. Am striving for 5 which is a challenge for me because I'm having to train my taste buds to like vegetables. I've just gotten back into exercising and am walking or doing Walk at Home…
  • Well....it might cause me to lose my appetite and thus kill two birds with one stone! :wink:
  • I'm thinking of getting rid of the chair in my office and using an exercise ball to sit on instead. Has anyone else done this?
  • For those of us who have snow to shovel, I just read in "YOU on a Diet" that females burn 9 calories a minute. I guess we northerners are the "lucky" ones who get those extra exercise points every time it snows! :wink:
  • Is there room for one more?
  • Elaine! (Do I win a prize?) :laugh:
  • I would also recommend reading "YOU on a Diet." It goes into detail (with pictures and everything for us visual learners) about the relationship between the foods you eat and cravings. I've read a gazillion books on eating behavior but this is the first one that has actually talked about the physiological reasons we crave…
  • What exactly is Stevia and where would I buy it? Also, what form is it in - liquid, powder, other?
  • I don't care for any of them - they all seem to have an after taste. I should say, however, that I don't like soda and never got in the habit of putting sugar in my coffee or tea - so I'm lucky in that respect - makes it pretty easy to avoid the artifical sweetners that way. If I need a sweetner for something I just use…
  • Well, I'm pretty sure it was the bean burrito for lunch. Beans are very filling and I find it takes a long time before I'm hungry again. (But they also make me rather uncomfortable if you know what I mean...) I'm hoping they'll be easier to digest as my body gets more used to fiber.
  • Ok, this is my first time posting on this board and I'm just coming back from total slugdom! :laugh: Meal #1 Coffee (black) Pear Meal #2 Oatmeal Banana Coffee (black) Meal #3 Bean burrito by Cedarleaf or some such company - from the healthy section of the grocery store. (Guess that would count a processed though, wouldn't…
  • Well, it's 9:15 PM and I'm back from my meeting. Did not eat the salad before because I just wasn't hungry decided I shouldn't force feed myself. But I'm still not hungry! (This is quite amazing because I'm usually quite a pig!! :laugh: ) So, I've decided to have a glass of soy milk and call it a night. Tomorrow's another…
  • It's 6:45 PM and I just got home from work. I need to leave again at 7:15 PM for a meeting. I will get home from the meeting by 9:00 PM. I'm not at all hungry. Do I: A) Make myself eat my dinner (salad) quick before I leave for the meeting B) Do I eat when I get home at 9:00 PM (which is barely 2 hours before I go to bed)…
  • OMG! I would die of a heart attack before I had a chance to enter my exercise points in! :brokenheart:
  • Well then, maybe I will try it. I'm just starting on the clean eating - am a real junk food junkie. I'm also quite out of shape and I work full time and I'm over 50 so cannot begin to do the kind of excercising you ladies do but I'll do what works for me which is mainly walking. Thanks! :smile:
  • Ok - gotta go do my excercise now!! :blushing:
  • Yes, I've been reading them. Am a little intimidated by all the excercise to be honest. The food part I can handle I think. I'm going to keep reading them and maybe jump in when I feel more ready.
  • I'm feeling a lot better (day 4 of no sugar) and I still bet it was the sugar withdrawal. Just shows what an addictive substance it is.