I am 45 years old. I want to loose 50 lbs. I am in.
I can truly understand your issue. I started running last Jan. My first ever 5K was April 2011 with a time of 44 minutes and 39 seconds. I was able to get a time of 39 minutes 38 seconds in my last 5K in December 2011. I ran a total of five 5K races in 2011. The reason for my increase speed because of my training for a…
Have you tried local Park and recreation for a couch to 5K program. This would give you others to help with this journey.
I have ran my first half marathon on 3-24-2012. I started training in late November. Most training programs have a 12 to 18 weeks training before the run. You may want to run a 5K before committed to half just to see have your pace has changed. With your back being in bad condition, I would see if possible to aim for half…
I ran my first 5K last April and I ran my first Half Marathon last Sunday. Don't worry about speed just concentrate on finishing. A class called Couch to 5K help me to run my first 5K. Make sure to care of your feet with good running shoes.
looking forward to participating.