

  • Hi, I am new to this as well. Actually this is my first time signing up to any site. Any guidence would be much appreciated. By the way Hi Shasta and Czechsmate. Just to give you a little back ground about myself. Was never used to workout and just started getting into about a year ago and loving it. Now I am also into run…
  • Am I writing in girl's blog? Is there a guy blog that talks about this? Sorry new in these blogs writing.
  • Hi Guys, I just got into running these mud races and had no idea that it would be this much fun. To me these races are my new addiction and as soon am I am done with one I find myself anxiously looking forward to the next one. So far I have done following: Rugged Maniac 5 k Warrior Dash 5 k Super Sparton 8 miles and…
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