Have you done the warrior dash or tough mudder?



  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Tough mudder I would definetly not do until you are capable of doing it. Warrior Dash, you COULD so do right now. It's not as hard as it seems. I've never done it, but I'm doing it for the first time this year and from what I've heard many many unfit people do it.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I am sooooooooo far from my goal weight, but I am signed up for Warrior Dash in September. My goal for it is just to finish! I will try every obstacle, and if I can't do it, I'll move on. I signed up in an effort to push myself and have a mini goal to work towards.
    *I'm secretly more than a little scared!*

    You sound like me!! From what I've heard it's not as hard as people think. I'm signed up to do it in October and even though I'm a little scared. I plan on trying my best and if there's an obstacle my body is refusing to do, then I'll move on. No matter how long it takes me to finish, I can't wait to have that feeling of accomplishment and being able to say yes I did do it!
  • I am sooooooooo far from my goal weight, but I am signed up for Warrior Dash in September. My goal for it is just to finish! I will try every obstacle, and if I can't do it, I'll move on. I signed up in an effort to push myself and have a mini goal to work towards.
    *I'm secretly more than a little scared!*

    You sound like me!! From what I've heard it's not as hard as people think. I'm signed up to do it in October and even though I'm a little scared. I plan on trying my best and if there's an obstacle my body is refusing to do, then I'll move on. No matter how long it takes me to finish, I can't wait to have that feeling of accomplishment and being able to say yes I did do it!

    You will both do great!! This site really turns people into go getters and I have faith in both of you :)
  • Hi Guys,

    I just got into running these mud races and had no idea that it would be this much fun. To me these races are my new addiction and as soon am I am done with one I find myself anxiously looking forward to the next one. So far I have done following:

    Rugged Maniac 5 k
    Warrior Dash 5 k
    Super Sparton 8 miles

    and currently signed up for tough mudder and Down and Dirty to take place in November and October respectively. I was hoping for it to be harder then Super Sparton but I think I read somewhere on this blog or somweher else that its not harder then Sparton so I am kind of down about that but hoping that its chanlleging enough.

    Please let me know if you know any other mud races which are inalign with Super Sparton.
  • Am I writing in girl's blog? Is there a guy blog that talks about this? Sorry new in these blogs writing.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Am I writing in girl's blog? Is there a guy blog that talks about this? Sorry new in these blogs writing.

    This isn't a blog, you are on the forums. There are no "girls" or "guys" area, it's for anyone on the site.
  • stephcremeans
    stephcremeans Posts: 4 Member
    I did my first Warrior Dash this summer, it was a blast! I'm not at my goal weight, but I must say it was fine! The obstacles were way more about mind over matter for me. I would encourage anyone considering the Warrior Dash to just do it! You are not required to finish in any specified time, if you go in focused on finishing rather than having a specific time I doubt you'll be disappointed! Best of luck, you can do it!!!

    Oh, and my advice - 1. wear clothing that isn't too loose. Once you've gone through the water the loose clothing just becomes super heavy. 2. duct tape your shoes on, there were a ton of shoes lost in the mud pit! 3. Make sure you wear gloves, it makes climbing so much easier. 4. for training - go to a playground and play on the monkey bars and climb anything you can find.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i havent done it, but i just watched the boyfriend do this yesterday...he could have trained more and his buddies DEFINTELY but i would say REALLY train for endurance and hiking lots of hills. he said the toughest part was the greased half pipe and lots of poeple were having trouble with that. but if you run it i would DEFINITELY wear those spandex type of clothes that cover your entire body as there are a lot of poeple that came out with scrapes and torn up lets and knees and hands so wear gloves if you can just in case. but again, endurance is key in the tough mudder, train to climb lots of hills and also if you want, its only for a minute but get used to the cold weather, especially the ice bath run. there is a part, especially if your in a group of the log carrying, uhmm..over all get used to climing walls when your DEAD tired and worn out. lots of climing greased things and hills would be your best bet to train for. the course is about 10 miles long and they usually hold these at hilly places. yesterday here in VA they had it at a ski resort. i would like to do this but unfortunately, my asthma wont let me survive it.

    for you girls, there were actually lots of girls doing this so dont let that discourage you!! overall i think its an awesome experience and leaves you wanting to do it again and again and you can wear that orange headband proud!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    We did the Merrell Down & Dirty 5K Mud Run (Sacramento) yesterday. It was a blast! I ended up being 86th out of 222 women in my age group, not bad for a first timer! That's me in the pink shirt & camo bandanna:

