Hi! I'm a newbie! =)

Hello there! My name is Shasta and I was referred to this site by a friend. She says it's absolutely amazing and that everyone is SO supportive of everyone else. That makes me super duper excited to meet people! So where do I go from here? How does a new person make friends? I need someone to show me the ropes! Thanks!


  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Hi Shasta and welcome!! I am pretty new to this site too and loving it!!! Feel free to add me as a friend, I do believe we all have the same goals in mind...getting fit and healthy!
  • You can add me if u would like
  • Hi,

    I am new to this as well. Actually this is my first time signing up to any site. Any guidence would be much appreciated. By the way Hi Shasta and Czechsmate.
    Just to give you a little back ground about myself. Was never used to workout and just started getting into about a year ago and loving it. Now I am also into run obsticle races.

    Looking forward to hearing from other people and knowing what different people are doing for staying healtht and fit.
  • qpr4law
    qpr4law Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all. I am a new as well and loving the site. Please feel free to add me and if you see me slipping please help me.
  • Hi Everybody! I'm new too! Add me if you'd like and I'd be happy to kick virtual butts whenever needed and please do it for me too! :)