ninamccalla Member


  • I would like to suggest all organic/chemical free from Essante. Their Vitamin D3 product is fab. I have a webpage I just launched (a New Year's resolution) on facebook about nutrition. I would love for you to "like" my page and get some updates on nutrition. Good luck to you and your goals for health and nutrition!
  • I allow myself to eat the Thanksgiving and Christmas goodies because it is such a special time of year. I work out and then after January 1 I go back to writing down what I eat. I know I have to workout and watch what I eat to get those extra pounds back off.
  • Good for you! I am back too after time off. This is such an easy way to keep track of what you put in your mouth. I know I must write it down because we all fool ourselves into thinking we aren't eating as much as we are. Nina
  • Hi, I too am glad the holidays are over! Need to get back to feeling good again`too many holiday goodies!