SSMomof3 Member


  • Well I didn't get to excercise today :( but I did vaccum and mop like crazy for about an hour!!! Didn't want to count that but hey, at least I wasn't sitting down doing nothing :)
  • Hello Ladies I am also a SAHM work once a month or less never the less I am always home with my 15 month old Toddler. I also have a 9 and 7 1/2 year old girls. I am from AUSTIN, TEXAS~! I am ready to loose all this baby fat that has accumalated over the years! Never, ever been thin neither do I want to just want to get fit…
  • ALRIGHT GOT MY 30 MINUTES IN OF TAEBO!!! I didn't think I was going to be able to workout beween a crying baby and my phone going off every 10 minutes ahhhh, I was about to give up! :sad: Never the less I didn't yay meeee!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Alright!!! So I am a new member of this group! And can't wait to join in on all the fun!!! I haven't done my 20 minutes yet, just finished cleaning my house but I don't like to count that towards my calories, I rather do a REAL WORK OUT! Alright so here we go!!!
  • I want in!!! This is going to be awesome! Thanks, Donna
  • Hi Welcome! I'm a few weeks new and love this site we are all here to loose weight but also to find encouragement. Add me as a friend! Thanks! P.S. You will love this site!!!!
  • Work out videos would be ideal! I use Billy Blanks Taebo and do some weights as well, If you have a computer at home or if it's connected to your TV there are some great work out on YOUTUBE> Hope some of this helps! Request me as friend :)
  • I know exactly how you feel! I beleive it's time for US moms to put ourselfs FIRST! :)