

  • Today's workout. Tempo ride 3 x 10 at power zones 3-4. Highlight the link, right click and chose go to
  • Consider getting a heart rate monitor and use it to control your intensity.
  • If there is a personal info section in the setup, make sure all the info is correct. Usually includes your age, weight, etc.
  • I have the Fitbit One which you carry in your pocket or on the waistband. Some women I know wear it on their bra. I'm just a little self-conscious about wearing the wrist style things.
  • Total distance this month is about 356 miles including a 106 mile ride on Oct 5. I've started training for Bike Sebring 12-hour race on Feb 15 in Sebring, Florida. It will be a huge challenge for me … about double the time I've ridden in a single session to date. I post details of my workouts on my Facebook page. I need…
  • Ouch. I broke a collarbone 3 years ago. Amazing what a conversation starter the sling was when I went to the gym to ride a stationary bike. Heal fast and heal well. I echo your message to wear a helmet. A "good" helmet is one that fits well and you wear correctly. All helmets sold in the US pass the same tests.
  • London to Whistable just sounds fantastic!!! Here in the Colonies <grin> we call a 100km ride a "metric century" and it's a very popular distance for many organized rides. It does take some commitment to train up for it There are 2 books on the market that I like for training routines: "The Time Crunched Cyclist" by…
  • sajeffe -- that's a nice progression. Keep adding some distance until you need to plateau for a while, then shock your body by adding a few miles. Add some intensity every now & then too. Maybe ride fewer miles but at a faster speed. Your body will respond to the added work load by burning off more fat.
  • Total riding time was about 5-/12 hours plus a few minutes for a couple of rest stops to refill water bottles, etc.. My legs were screaming at me so I was able to ignore my butt :-) My goal for next year is to train up and do a few Grand Fondos and at least 2 ultra's (200 miles +). We'll see how that goes <LOL>
  • Hi all. I'm really happy that I scanned the boards and found this topic. I'm Cycling2Live to control my blood sugar levels. Yep, I'm living with Type 2 diabetes and cycling has been a big part of my lifestyle to get the bgl's under control. Not to mentions losing 60 pounds of fat. Yesterday I completed the Tour of Richmond…