discoburn Member


  • Oh wow, you look absolutely amazing! Your post was really inspirational, well done for an incredible achievement. :) Thank you for sharing your story
  • From Manchester UK here, had success twice before with MFP but seem to lose momentum, hoping having a few friends on here will help me stay accountable! Please add if you want. :)
  • That's awesome - way to go!
  • How drastically has your diet changed since you started? Being light headed might pass as you adjust to a new diet, but it is also a sign of hypoglycemia. It's also not going to help you feel encouraged to stick with a healthy eating plan if you're worried you could faint at any time.
  • First of all it's great that you have come to the boards for encouragement and advice instead of just flat out giving up. It can be such a knock back to realise that you have put on a few lbs after thinking you had been getting somewhere, but don't let it trick you. Once you start to see and feel the weight coming off…
  • You have done absolutely amazingly, your family must be so proud of you. What an inspirational guy.
  • (Oops, accidental double post.)
  • Thank you for the link Jobe! It seems sleep deprivation slows metabolism then, that will explain a lot. It recommends 7.5 hours of sleep, and says that 5 hours is too little. I'd love a full, uninterrupted 7 hours of sleep right about now! I've found that using MFP and having short term and long term goals with regards to…
  • I think CW is current weight. NSV had me confused too - it means non-scale victory, so little things you notice that make you go "yay!" that are to do with getting fitter, but not just from dropping the lbs according to the scale. Welcome by the way :)