

  • Not to get catty...but if I spend the whole day sweating it out moving furniture scrubbing stuff and legitmately work up a sweat doing it? I'm logging it as exercise. Yard work too. It's called house work cause it's work. If I go out of my way to log every little thing that goes in my mouth I'm going out of my way to log…
  • ESFJ - I'm a night auditor at a downtown hotel.
  • I am also looking for some friends to motivate! I've been using this sporadically since last summer and recently started to actually get involved in it. I have 80ish lbs to lose and it seems like a huge daunting task. I'd love to be a supporter and motivator!
  • I'm looking for about 80. Not quite 100, but I admire your determination! I'm kinda new here and looking for inspiration and buddies too. :)
  • I love people watching! The gym is this myriad of personalities and crazy all thrust into sweaty harmony! I think the only thing that has ever made me annoyed is these two teenage girls snidely giggling at an obese woman (who I could swap clothes with) on an elliptical. I gave them the what for...and as they scuttled away…
  • I'm SO in. I've been neglecting my "good" habits. Currently @ 220 lbs. Goal is 10 lbs this month. Going to be doing the gym regular as opposed to once a week and my fridge is filled with veggies. Also cutting back on the bar and have dedicated myself to DD'ing for the month : )