Things you see at the Gym



  • russp1962
    Wow, we must go to the same gym :) I saw someone there in jeans and a long sleeve flannel shirt on the eliptical!
  • diviana
    I'm somewhat curmudgeonly and don't have a lot of patience, I admit that freely :D

    1) Snippy teens and twentysomethings who stare and make snide comments. At my heaviest, I was over 500 lbs, so this was something I experienced on occasion. The last one to do that got an earful. I am not afraid to assert myself.
    2) New Year's resolution crowds that clog up machines, working out at a snail's pace and stop going within 1-2 weeks because their bodies have not magically transformed overnight.
    3) Dutiful girlfriends and BFF's who sit on machines when people are waiting to use them.
    4) Soccer mom crowds. Sorry, soccer moms. I'm there to work out, and having to work out next to a gaggle of yakkers talking about their kids/husbands/various complaints makes my teeth grind. I know this is a gross generalization, but it's a trend at my gym. (I go later at night to avoid them because hey- we all pay money to be there and are equally entitled to use the facilities, right?). In all honesty, I think this is more my problem than theirs ;-)
    5) People who stare through the window at me while I am swimming laps.
    6) Getting back to people sitting on machines, people who do this on the circuit. If you MUST do this, please choose another machine that is NOT on a circuit. Or better yet- STAY HOME.
    7) I thought about adding the requisite fashion plate with full makeup who is deathly afraid of sweating, but then decided not to add them. I just hope they enjoy the bloom of youth and lightning-pace metabolisms while they got it. One day, they will be violently thrust into reality and have to actually make an effort.
    8) Nakedness doesn't bother me. All I ask is that you don't lean over me while I'm sitting on the bench putting my wet pool clothes into my gym bag. I know the towel bin is next to me, but having your giant purple areola thrust into my face was a little much. I am glad you scuttled way from me after I said I would bite it off if you did it again. A tiny bit of personal boundary is appreciated. Also, please place a towel down on the benches if you plan to sit down naked. I don't know where your "area" has been, and I don't want to find out a week later at the OBGYN.

  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    At my gym only a select few people are allowed into the classes at once and the zumba one fills up soooo fast, so I go in 30 minutes early and do some ab work and stretch.
    Well the other day I was stretching and i thought my subconscious was playing tricks on me because I started smelling chocolate. But then I looked over and honest to god there was a chick next to me who had just folded up her snickers bar wrapper and was starting to unwrap her twix.

    OMG that is so funny.:laugh:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I like the upside down T-Rex's You know big arms with little legs...very inspiring...

    I love going to the gym, freaks and all...but i love to people watch. My gym is like a meat market for cousins HEE HEE.:wink:

    I also see women who have perfect hair and never sweat? Plus I've been in the same gym for 5 years and everyone looks the same. At least I got fat:laugh:
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Women who wear T-Shirts and then roll them up like a halter top! I mean really is it that serious?

    The guy who wants to run wind sprints right next to the treadmill! I mean really dude if you want to run, get your *kitten* on the treadmill lol!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    8) Nakedness doesn't bother me. All I ask is that you don't lean over me while I'm sitting on the bench putting my wet pool clothes into my gym bag. I know the towel bin is next to me, but having your giant purple areola thrust into my face was a little much. I am glad you scuttled way from me after I said I would bite it off if you did it again.
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    I know the towel bin is next to me, but having your giant purple areola thrust into my face was a little much. I am glad you scuttled way from me after I said I would bite it off if you did it again. A tiny bit of personal boundary is appreciated. Also, please place a towel down on the benches if you plan to sit down naked. I don't know where your "area" has been, and I don't want to find out a week later at the OBGYN.


    LOL Giant purple areola omg hahaha :')

    I see a lot of teens wearing ugg boots sitting on machines texting their friends ' like omgz at the gym for 2 hrs lolz' Please just get off the machine!
    There's one guy who walks back and forth by one of the TWO weight benches like he's guarding some gold chest or something.
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    The guy who has his clothes and such spread out the entire length of the bench and gets annoyed if I ask him to move some of it so I can now get dressed!

    The locker room is not YOUR BATHROOM!
  • jankleberry
    On wednesday I saw a guy in a rain jacket doing weights. I know we live in Scotland but Come on! And The two skinny girls with tiny clothes on having a chat on the bikes next to me pedalling so slowly while I am going mental trying to keep up my RPMs sweating like crazy!
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    they girls who come in with full face of make-up, hair all done, eyelashes on, and designer tracksuits and do about 4 sit ups and just walk around flicking their hair and leave in the same condition.

    get oot the gym!!!!!
  • Kayatica
    I love people watching! The gym is this myriad of personalities and crazy all thrust into sweaty harmony!

    I think the only thing that has ever made me annoyed is these two teenage girls snidely giggling at an obese woman (who I could swap clothes with) on an elliptical. I gave them the what for...and as they scuttled away they were probably exchanging quips regarding the fat ***** that told them to F off. Rude, inconsiderate twerps, I can't wait for reality to bite them in the behind.

    My friend and I do sprints on the track when it's empty enough and one day I just smoked my friend, these two guys who were doing bag work came over and high fived us for giving it our all.

    I love the gym. Even the stinky sweaty least he's gettin his sweat on!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Well the other day I was stretching and i thought my subconscious was playing tricks on me because I started smelling chocolate. But then I looked over and honest to god there was a chick next to me who had just folded up her snickers bar wrapper and was starting to unwrap her twix.

    I'd have snapped her hand off for that Twix! :wink:
    My gym has a 'no food allowed' policy on the gym floor. There is a seated area opposite the changing roms, with a snack bar, should anyone feel hungry.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    The things that bug me the most at the gym:

    -people chatting on the phone LOUDLY.

    -hogging the squat rack for 30 mins. There is only one in the gym. Do you really need to do 10 sets of squats???

    -the guys who do curls with too much weight and have to swing their arms to complete the excercise.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I see these fat guys with their weight lifting belts cinched tight about their lard stuffed waists, and they lumber through their futile, unchanging routines, looking about the same this year as they did last year only fatter.

    I just want to grab them and chain them to a treadmill - DO CARDIO!
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    the homo-erotic scene in the free weights, with the massive guys all admiring themselves and each other in the mirrors, hands on each others biceps appreciation - No I do not want tickets to that gun show!

    Love this thread
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    1) I would have to say the ones who work out in Jeans.
    2) That show up after my workout starts, stay 5-10 minutes, walking on the treadmill, then leave.
    3) the guy who gets on the circuit training (cybex machines) and clangs the weights with every move. I want to just say do you know the object is controled movements with no clanging...
    4) the guy on the eliptical machine that is hugging it, sweating over all the controls and then walks away without even wiping it down, EWWWWWWWW
    5) the people who have the TV on very loudly but then they have their ipods in their ears, so they cant even hear it.
    6) the lady who brings her child to the kid area and lets her scream bloody murder and she just smiles and keeps on working out, but then once the child calms down, peaks into the room and starts the kids screaming all over again!

    Just to name a few...:O(
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I am betting those "skinny" girls that do barely anything and have perfect makeup are hoping to become trophy wives or something lol, I swear I see those same girls at lacrosse games, we call them arena bunnies lol. The thing is I know a ton of lacrosse players and all their wives are just normal (myself included)
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    The girls (and the guy from yesterday) that go the the corner where it's the boxing and/or battle rope area. No, instead they have to come over and do something else and not let me use the bags/battle ropes. Yesterday a guy was sitting right next to the battle ropes having more space around him. I stood there watching over until i just moved in and picked up the ropes. He eventually moved a little.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    This thread is completely awesome and is keeping me laughing. I've seen some really interesting things at the gym myself.

    I don't mind the naked thing, although I find it's always the old ladies with the huge, sagging boobs that are there. The other day, the moment I walked into the locker room, girl was bum naked with her legs spread up over the lockers in a split, putting on lotion. Really? Had to do that on top of the lockers? I suppose there must have been some earth-shattering reason why she couldn't have her undies and bra on while putting lotion on her legs...

    People who ignore the giant sign that says "NO OPPOSITE SEX CHILDREN IN THE LOCKER ROOM" while a woman comes in with four boys ranging from infant to around eleven or so. Sorry, but your eleven year old son doesn't need to see a bunch of naked girls. Use the family dressing room.

    I usually have my headphones on and listen to music while I'm working out because it helps me to pass the time and work more, but I like the people who come in with full-sized ipads and are watching movies on the bike while they continually forget to actually pedal.

    When extremely obese, extremely hairy guys sit on the steps at the entrance to the spa so nobody can get in (or would even want to).

    When people have "gym buddies" and take up machines but then just sit there, doing nothing. The only thing exercising on them are their mouths.

    Along with that, I hate when really large people get on the weights, pull once, and then sit there texting or being on the phone or even reading a book. I'm sure it's a good book, and I get that you want to turn those 150 extra pounds of fat into muscle but really, if one pull is what you can manage for now, then please, get off the machine so somebody else can use it. You can update your facebook status later.

    People who think it's a great idea to do yoga in the walkway. We have a specified area for that. Lots of room, no people, get your butt over there.

    People who run up and down the stairs where we need to go to get between the machines and the locker room. We have stair machines. Use them. I'm sure they want to be genuine but really, they're knocking people over and making it a hazard to try to move around.

    People who leave their kids in the cardio section so they can go get a manicure.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    People who ignore the giant sign that says "NO OPPOSITE SEX CHILDREN IN THE LOCKER ROOM" while a woman comes in with four boys ranging from infant to around eleven or so. Sorry, but your eleven year old son doesn't need to see a bunch of naked girls. Use the family dressing room.

    Agreed and I hate the reverse of that.

    If I see another single dude with no children or wife in the family changing room I'm grabbing him by the collar and tossing him out the door. I REALLY don't care for that. Like at all. I don't care how new you are, there's a sign on the door saying "Family Changing Room". There's a picture of kids on the door. I'm done with these b.s. resolutionist excuses "Oh I'm new! I can't possibly be expected to know how to read!"