Things you see at the Gym



  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    1. The people that use machines incorrectly:
    Old guy that leans all the way back on the triceps pull-down machine
    Srsly just saw someone yesterday doing the lower back entension with their NECK

    2. The guy that wears a snorkel and swim mask on the stationary bike (p.s. my gym doesn't have a pool or sauna)

    3. The lady on her bluetooth the entire time she was in the shower (do you not wash your head?!)

    4. The girl that sits on the glute machine talking to her friend. I don't think you're working your glutes just by sitting on them (if only that were the case!)

    5. The people that look down on me for doing high resistance instead of high speed on the arc trainer or the elliptical (there's at least one per week).

    6. The people that wipe their sweat with a personal towel, then use the same towel to wipe down the equipment.

    7. The females that give themselves wedgies on purpose so that everyone will stare at their butts.

    But, I can say that i absolutely LOVE the following people at my gym:

    1. The one-armed guy that does deadlifts with a dumbbell.

    2. The women lifting heavier than men.

    3. Anyone that can do hanging leg lifts.

    4. The people (me included) that get extra sweaty and don't care what they look like.
  • Bexx435
    Bexx435 Posts: 83 Member
    I get a kick out of the newbies walking on the treadmill drinking from their fast-food cup. I know you have to start somewhere but can you NOT stop at McDs on the way to the gym? or at least leave your super sized drink in your car?

    When I was living overseas, there was a gym down the street from my house that actually had a McDs INSIDE!!! Umm.... not sure who thought up that brilliant plan.
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    Trying this again... Figured out I need lowercased and a [\img] at the end.  How about this?LazyTreadmill.jpg
  • Mikelan
    Mikelan Posts: 27 Member
    I actually saw a lady get on the elevator when I was heading up to workout I get up there and she is getting off the elevator and goes directly to the stairmaster. Tired of the resolutioners jabbering, good thing is they are starting to go away. The people in jeans always crack me up. The worst is being on the second row of treadmills and some really really wide lady gets on the one in front of you and has "pink" or "sexy" in bright shiny silver across the butt.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    people working out a the gym that you know are not members yet are let in because they have friends that work the desk. this happens all the time at my gym.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    people using towels as floormats as they dry themselves and get dressed...
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    There are two teenaged girls that use our gym. Clothes suited more to high fashion than working out. Fully made up at all times. Waist length hair, never tied back.

    A couple of weeks ago, they were on the rowing machines while Hubby and I were on the cycles. Chat, chat, flick hair, one row, chat, chat *spots a man* giggles, flicks hair, texts, chats. Ad infinitum. There was a queue building for the rowing machines (it was busy), yet there they sat. At one point, one of them touched her face, exclaimed, "Oh em gee, sweat, I have to go fix my make up!"

    Fast forward ten minutes. I'm doing stomach crunches while Hubby counts me down. They walk past us, about three feet away. One of them points at me, laughs, turns to her friend and says, "OMG! Can you believe how fat she is?! I can't belieeeeve they let people like that in here!"

    Hubby held me back as I lunged off the bench, muttering, "See how funny you find it when I sit on you B!tch!"

    Bitter? Not really. The gym is a place for getting fit, not a pick up point or a school playground.

    Oh my gosh, I know right? I don't like those weird skinny girls, who probably just go there for guys, looking at me or anyone else who is not looking like them and giving weird looks at us like they are disgusted. I just despise them.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    4. Loud talking bff's on the machines next to me talking so loud that though I have the volume in my headphones up to 1 billion, I can STILL hear them.

    Pray that you never find yourself, as I recently did, stuck in a position where the only two machines left for the BFF's are the ones on either side of you. I never wanted to do a double backhander so badly in my life. :grumble:
  • alli_v
    alli_v Posts: 11
    1) The guy that forgot to put deodorant on and stinks up the whole gym.
    2) Guys that sit or stand in a group, chat, take up space but aren't even working out.
    3) Girls that talk on their phone while on machines.
    4) People that don't spray down the tread mill after they sweat all over it.

    Many more but I can't think of them right now :(
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    4. Loud talking bff's on the machines next to me talking so loud that though I have the volume in my headphones up to 1 billion, I can STILL hear them.

    Pray that you never find yourself, as I recently did, stuck in a position where the only two machines left for the BFF's are the ones on either side of you. I never wanted to do a double backhander so badly in my life. :grumble:

    LOL! This is my personal largest PO! Even if they are not on etiher side of you but just close enough and so loud that you can hear the whole conversation even with your headphones on!! I jsut want to turn to them and say "Shaddddaaapp! I trying to sweat here and I don't even care about the details of my life that much right now much less yours!!"
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I don't pay much attention to others at the gym but I was on the elliptical the other day, going a a pretty good clip and a young man to my right caught my peripheral vision. He was going so fast on his I thought he was going to hurt himself - like Wylie coyote crazy fast!

    I started thinking "That's how people burn so many more calories on the elliptical than I do!"

    Haha! This is me when I'm doing high intensity intervals. I'm sure I look like a complete maniac and I get looks all the time. :laugh:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I hope you do realize that the same people you are making fun of probably have the same feelings about some of you!

    Well of course they are! Duh!! That's what this thread is all about. The humorous and sometimes agravating things that happen to you at the gym. Sometimes you're the observer. Sometimes you're the observed. I sometimes am a grunter at the end of a hard lifting set. I try not to be too loud but I'm sure I occaisionally offend some. I'm gasping for air like I've been running for my life in between intervals.We all have our quirks (except you of course :wink: ). The appropraite clothing and behavior issues can be aggravating when you have to share the same space with people sometimes it can be irritating. Sometimes we can be the irritated and sometimes we are the irritator. It's a healthy to vent a little sometimes. :happy:
    WBSJR Posts: 26 Member
    OMGosh! Where to start...

    1. Dude with his package hanging out of his tiny running shorts... SERIOUSLY??? I burned my eyes!!!
    2. Woman who looks like a stripper in full makeup wearing teeny tiny shorts and thong with bikini top.
    3. Woman who wraps the handles of the machines with paper towels even though she is wearing gloves.
    4. People who sweat profusely all over the treadmill or elliptical then step off and walk away... WIPE IT DOWN PLEASE!!!!
    5. My elliptical neighbor who farts and it's not like I can step off my routine and walk away...
    6. Women in full coordinated outfits with coiffed hair, full make up, and headbands who appear to be there to make a fashion statement vs. working out.
    7. I don;t get the people who slowly pedal along on the stationary bikes while reading a book... i want to break a sweat, personally.
    8. People wearing headphones while working out and are singing out loud without realizing it...
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I am definitely one of those who lip sync the whole time I am working out. Can't help it, love the music!

    Otherwise, I just pretty much ignore people and concentrate on myself.

    I probably look stupid to someone else, but I LOOOVE lip-synching.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    I had a naked guy stand a couple feet behind me while I was trying to weigh myself in my boxer briefs. He even tried to start a conversation with me. WTF!!! And then there was the time I saw a guy blow drying his pubes. Another guy shaves in the nude.

    Have any of you ladies ever considered that we might be checking you out just to get these horrible images out of our heads?

    :noway: :laugh:
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Dorito shaped men - urgh.

  • brett1117
    the MORON who carry's a GALLON of water around with him!! YOU DONT NEED A GALLON OF WATER
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I don't pay much attention to others at the gym but I was on the elliptical the other day, going a a pretty good clip and a young man to my right caught my peripheral vision. He was going so fast on his I thought he was going to hurt himself - like Wylie coyote crazy fast!

    I started thinking "That's how people burn so many more calories on the elliptical than I do!"

    Haha! This is me when I'm doing high intensity intervals. I'm sure I look like a complete maniac and I get looks all the time. :laugh:

    Awesome - keep it up! I was more in awe and wish I could have seen his calorie burn!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    The high-incline grippers. They put the treadmill up to the maximum incline so they have to cling on for dear life, leaning their entire bodies backwards at a 45 degree angle.

    The step-machine shufflers. They support nearly their entire bodyweight on the handles because that's the only way they can keep up with their feet shimmying up and down just half an inch at 90 to the dozen on top speed.
  • pammypk1
    pammypk1 Posts: 83 Member
    I work at a gym in a retirement community... enough said. :smile: