Things you see at the Gym



  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member
    Picture the scene.....

    female changing room, ladies milling around doing what they need to do. Two friends in deep conversation, just out the shower, butt naked drying themselves...then they proceed to put one foot at a time up on to the bench in the middle of the room and holding either end of the towel in each hand frantically dry their nether regions (not each others I might add), back and forth, back and forth.........eek!....OMFG what is the need...SERIOUSLY - a bit of discretion please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am still traumatised by this - can you tell? lol)

    Would you rather see them using the gym handheld hair dryers to do it? Thankfully I don't have hair to dry because I would never touch one of those hair dryers. that you put it like that.... :laugh:
  • JMDavis10
    The gym is the best place for comedy honestly. The other day a guy was running on the treadmill with it on a high incline, but was holding on for dear life while looking like he was going to fall at any time. We were taking bets on if he was going to slip off the back. Also it drives me nuts seeing kids (pre-teens) running around the equipment because their parents are working out. They use a machine for about 2 minutes and then move on to the next one without ever thinking about cleaning them. I am at the gym to workout not babysit!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    When did we become so uncomfortable with nudity? You'd pass out if you got invited for Thanksgiving dinner with my family.

    I don't get the weirdness with nudity either. With all of our porn obsessions and body issues, you'd think Americans would be less prude. I let my best friend give me brazilians and I don't think twice about it.
  • JPsFunkyMojo
    My favorite character at the gym is gray sweatpant man. Every day he wears gray sweatpants that does nothing to hide his alert drummer. You would think after a few times of no one being impressed he would change attire.
  • TZE731
    TZE731 Posts: 18
    The guy who walked into the gym yesterday smoking a cigarette and then ran out after he realized what he was doing. I'm not sure that he ever came back.
  • AiryM
    AiryM Posts: 51 Member
    As a former employee of a gym, I have a ton of things/quirks that either humored, horrified or annoyed me.

    Just to name a few:
    - The "i don't know why I'm not losing weight when I only put in 20 minutes on a machine and hit the pizza shop on the way home" ladies.

    - The juice heads

    - The creepier who overstays his welcome and leers at the ladies

    - The ladies who workout with full face make up.

    - The scary guy with the chip on his shoulder who looks like he might go postal.

    - The machine hog, who set up a circuit when the gym is packed and gets pissy when someone disrupts their flow.

    I can seriously write a book. But I will say, I did love working at gym, even when it felt like adult day care at times. =)
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    When did we become so uncomfortable with nudity? You'd pass out if you got invited for Thanksgiving dinner with my family.

    I don't get the weirdness with nudity either. With all of our porn obsessions and body issues, you'd think Americans would be less prude. I let my best friend give me brazilians and I don't think twice about it.

    Both of these^^
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    LOL- There was someone in snow boots on the treadmill!

    I am guilty of the naked thing <<<blushing>>> I guess I figured since I don't look at other people that they weren't looking at me.

    The weird thing I see all the time is the places some people stand to spot each other. I sorry but I don't think if you are really spotting someone you should be on your iphone playing blitz or something 10 ft from your friend.

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Oh and people who never deload anything. You're not on the selectorized machines any more. Put away your plates *kitten*.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    -Men who wear no underwear with shorts and get on the Hip Abductor machine. Everytime they open their legs the one eye bandits comes out and winks...


  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Pretty much most of the things described in this thread get your membership revoked at my gym. It's pretty serious and so are most of the people there. The worse I've had is smelly people and I think it's silly when women workout in full face paint.

    I am guilty of head banging to my metal music and playing air guitar for sure.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    - The "i don't know why I'm not losing weight when I only put in 20 minutes

    - The machine hog, who set up a circuit when the gym is packed and gets pissy when someone disrupts their flow.

    I totally agree...
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    OMG!! Don't get me started. Ok, you forced my hand. Here goes:

    1. They newbies with the very coordinated workout clothes, hair and makeup flawless walking extremely slow on the treadmill so they can still text and not sweat.
    2. The guy that is drinking a diet coke while on the elliptical.
    3. The guy that is CLEARLY there to just pick up woman (I pretend not to hear him talking)
    4. The guy running on the treadmill in jeans and his work shirt.
    5. The girl last night on the treadmill in snow boots (it was 60 degrees yesterday, might I add.)

  • plumnbagel
    plumnbagel Posts: 184 Member
    The gym is the best place for comedy honestly. The other day a guy was running on the treadmill with it on a high incline, but was holding on for dear life while looking like he was going to fall at any time. We were taking bets on if he was going to slip off the back. Also it drives me nuts seeing kids (pre-teens) running around the equipment because their parents are working out. They use a machine for about 2 minutes and then move on to the next one without ever thinking about cleaning them. I am at the gym to workout not babysit!

    OMG I was TOTALLY that guy yesterday! I was on a new machine I didn't know how to use, and though I wanted to look cool and not have to go and ask someone how it works, I ended up spending 5 min. at a pace that made me feel like I was in a silent movie! When will I learn that when you try to look cool is when you look the dorkiest. :laugh: :happy:
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I used to work out in a gym in Scottsdale, AZ and I saw this one guy with a bottle of San Pelligrino, haha it was funny only in Scottsdale would someone drink sparkling mineral water (and it was the glass bottle not the plastic) during their work out.

    I'm actually guilty of this. In my defense, it was just filled with regular water and I was reusing it at the gym. Also, it was the plastic bottle, not the glass one. Someone did comment on it though.
  • martind53
    Some of these posts seem to be somwhat snobbish. Were we all not "newbies" at one time? I read the posts and what I hear is, "if you dont fit in to our ideals, then stay home, we really don't want to work out in the same gym with someone that does not come up to our standards".

    While I am not a gym user, I suspect there are those that are that would like to respond as below.

    Please tell me what are the right sneakers to wear so I don’t offend you.

    Part of showering after a workout is getting naked, showering, drying off, getting dressed. I keep my eyes to myself and tend to what I am doing. I suggest you do the same.

    If I have a McDonald’s cup with diet coke, why should that matter to you, am I only allowed to drink water out of some special hi-tech trendy water bottle

    If I choose to wear jeans, either out of preference or financial reasons, what business is it of yours?

    I am sorry if somehow I have offended YOU by looking at myself in the mirror. Maybe you should concentrate on your workout and mind your own business. I don’t happen to have a full length mirror at home to use.

    Running on the treadmill and using other machines is about as boring as it can get, excuse me if I read something while I am working out.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    There are two teenaged girls that use our gym. Clothes suited more to high fashion than working out. Fully made up at all times. Waist length hair, never tied back.

    A couple of weeks ago, they were on the rowing machines while Hubby and I were on the cycles. Chat, chat, flick hair, one row, chat, chat *spots a man* giggles, flicks hair, texts, chats. Ad infinitum. There was a queue building for the rowing machines (it was busy), yet there they sat. At one point, one of them touched her face, exclaimed, "Oh em gee, sweat, I have to go fix my make up!"

    Fast forward ten minutes. I'm doing stomach crunches while Hubby counts me down. They walk past us, about three feet away. One of them points at me, laughs, turns to her friend and says, "OMG! Can you believe how fat she is?! I can't belieeeeve they let people like that in here!"

    Hubby held me back as I lunged off the bench, muttering, "See how funny you find it when I sit on you B!tch!"

    Bitter? Not really. The gym is a place for getting fit, not a pick up point or a school playground.
  • fit921
    fit921 Posts: 92 Member
    Someone hung their stuff in the locker next to mine (our lockers are not solid, they have round decorativ holes) and their clothes and belongings reaked so bad of cigarette smoke that when I pulled my stuff out to take a shower my stuff reaked too! Talk about gross!!
    Another one that gets me everytime is there is a lady that takes about a 20 minute shower and the whole time she is in there she is hawkin (sp?) up loogies---OMG you want to vomit in the morning that will do it.

    What is wrong with people?
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Some of these posts seem to be somwhat snobbish. Were we all not "newbies" at one time? I read the posts and what I hear is, "if you dont fit in to our ideals, then stay home, we really don't want to work out in the same gym with someone that does not come up to our standards".

    While I am not a gym user, I suspect there are those that are that would like to respond as below.

    Please tell me what are the right sneakers to wear so I don’t offend you.

    Part of showering after a workout is getting naked, showering, drying off, getting dressed. I keep my eyes to myself and tend to what I am doing. I suggest you do the same.

    If I have a McDonald’s cup with diet coke, why should that matter to you, am I only allowed to drink water out of some special hi-tech trendy water bottle

    If I choose to wear jeans, either out of preference or financial reasons, what business is it of yours?

    I am sorry if somehow I have offended YOU by looking at myself in the mirror. Maybe you should concentrate on your workout and mind your own business. I don’t happen to have a full length mirror at home to use.

    Running on the treadmill and using other machines is about as boring as it can get, excuse me if I read something while I am working out.

    It was only a matter of time before the PC police showed up.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I am definitely one of those who lip sync the whole time I am working out. Can't help it, love the music!

    Otherwise, I just pretty much ignore people and concentrate on myself.