

  • You looking amazing! Congratulations! :drinker:
  • Wow!! 6lbs in 2 weeks! That's awesome... Congratulations! :drinker:
  • Hey leigh2301! There's an option for you to fill in the recipe and calculate the calories contained in it, though I've found it quite cumbersome to use. Most of the times, if I can't find the exact brand/ food, I choose the option that matches the most and make a mental note to myself that its an approximation.
    in help Comment by aanianeo October 2011
  • Thanks, jeanielmm. I don't mind if I loose inches and the weight not so much. I always weighed a little heavier than the rest because of my thick bones! :ohwell: I am a student and my tight MBA schedule leaves little time for any stuff other than exercising that I have somehow squeezed into the routine. I do think that…
  • Awesome! Persistence pays! :happy:
  • Come on, Nids! You can do it! You did that whole 1-week diet thingie that I can't even imagine doing! :) Although I have no idea what a 30-day shred challenge is... I am positive you can do it. I was looking it up on the net and considered going for it but then on second thoughts, since I am new to all this I should…