New and looking for motivation!

Hey All,

Am new here and was initiated by a friend who's a member. I joined in and was really excited to see that I could track my food and exercise together at this great place. I've been exercising for a month now but I'm not sure I've been loosing anything at all! And today when I tried to get into my formal dress...I just couldn't. I think I'm highly demotivated now... how hard can it be!! :sad: My immediate goal is to loose just 5 lbs over a month! All these great people here have managed to do so much more!

Arrggghhhh... I guess its the wrong day to introduce myself.. you must all be thinking I'm such a loser. :ohwell: I can assure you I'm generally not like that. Looking forward to make this work and make some good friends here! :smile:


  • jeanielmm
    jeanielmm Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, from AZ. I have been using this site for just over a week. Tried off and on previously. But I do enjoy being able to track my food consumption and my exercise here daily. Don't despair if working out hasn't changed your weight drastically. You are probably losing inches instead of pounds. However, you may be working out too hard, and not eating enough so your body may be going into starvation mode.:frown: I'm sure you have heard of that. Try doing your house chores, and gardening, or dance to music for an hour, as your exercise and track your food correctly for a month and you will probably see a difference. Best of luck!!!:wink:
  • aanianeo
    Thanks, jeanielmm. I don't mind if I loose inches and the weight not so much. I always weighed a little heavier than the rest because of my thick bones! :ohwell: I am a student and my tight MBA schedule leaves little time for any stuff other than exercising that I have somehow squeezed into the routine. I do think that tracking my food will help me nonetheless! :smile: