mlogan00 Member


  • Only got 1.25 in today. Was aiming for two but at least I got out there. 10/2 1.25/20
  • I'm setting my goal at a modest 20 miles for this month.
  • A lot of stores in our areas have started putting in bulk item bins - nuts, candies, granolas, etc. There are usually unsalted nuts there. Maybe there is a store near you that has these?
  • I think I'm going to give this a try. Day/Weight/Comment 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25
  • It is so hard. I don't think most people are trying to intentionally sabotage you. They just don't get it. At all. They don't understand that a little taste of something can lead to a whole plateful. They don't understand that one night of splurging can lead to a whole weekend of slurging. Followed by a week of splurging.…
  • I haven't read all of the replies yet, but I stopped taking birth control about a year after getting married. It was making me pshyco. I was so mentally and emotionally unstable and it took me that long to figure out that was a big cause of it. I did also gain 40 lbs in that year. I highly recommend the book "Taking Charge…
  • Would you mind sharing what monitor you got since you have tested it and it seems to be so accurate?
  • I agree. Unless you are doing a paleo/primal diet or something else that prohibits grains or gluten, ezekiel is a great bread. Almond butter has healthy fat as well. I say as long as you are staying within your calorie limits, there is no problem with it. I eat peanut butter or almond butter on almost a daily basis as well.