

  • Wow! I'm 5'2" and feel like a giant compared to the posts I've read!! Esterlily:flowerforyou:
  • I love avocados! Many, many salads can benefit in flavor, texture and visual appeal from the addition of avocado. Sliced avocado can be added to sandwiches instead of mayonaisse. Cubed avocado can be added to salads like the black bean/salsa salad. Black beans, corn, onions, salsa, garlic all thrown together in a bowl. Top…
  • Ranger Steve--I couldn't agree more!! I understand what everyone is saying about the chemicals and I truly am trying to cut it back. Diet soda is an easy way for an overweight person to believe they are doing something positive. I know that that is how I was thinking, for sure. Based on the incredible feedback I have…
  • It is a mis-application of causality. The data says that heavier people are more likely to drink diet soda, well duh. It does not say that drinking diet soda will make skinny people heavy. Current research has shown that diet sodas do not cause insulin reactions, so the "makes you hungrier" argument is specious. At most,…
  • :huh: OK, fine!! I'll try!! Esterlily
  • So, would a sweetener such as Truvia be any better for me? Esterlily
  • One idea might be to add a tablespoon of pure pumpkin to your oatmeal, for a festive, fall treat. You can add pumpkin pie spice with it to make it really special! I did that this morning but with cream of wheat. It was YUMMY!! Esterlily
  • BerryH, Try changing your focus. It seems you are focusing on how other people do as compared to you. That is the biggest downer of all! If you focus on yourself, your progress--not your speed, but that you are out there exercising, you may see a very nice story!! If you run 1 or 2 miles, 2 -4 times weekly, then THROW…