VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Welcome, new girls!

    My two rat terriers also love to kiss my face while I'm doing push ups and crawl under me like its a cave or the perfect place to lay down and sleep.
    I have to keep them out of the room because they are way too distracting!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hello and welcome - no, never too late to join! We have a rosta here, fill out what ever info you are comfortable with.

    Those highlighted in blue are the ones taking part in the challenge that was/is to lose 3lbs by 14th October. The next challenge looks set to shape up as a burn/exercise type challenge. So pop your name on and visit regularly to see what the next challenge will be!

    Talking of motivating pets, I also have one of those. He's a cross breed which we are not sure what to call him - either a Frise-Poo or Bichon-Doodle called Patch. He's six months and a proper fluff ball, when I'm doing planks I get my face smothered, it's not that pleasant to be honest. I've started shutting the door as I just can't concentrate when he's sticking his tongue in my eye!
  • I would love to join. I am 5'0" I have lost almost 40 pounds and weigh 190 now. Trying to get to 115. Struggling with this.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing well today! It's a lovely day over here in Indiana, (US). It's suppose to go up to 80 degrees.

    I figured to get to know each other we could share something with one another that isn't fitness related or food related. I can start.... I love horror movies, but never get scared. I can't wait to see Paranormal Activity 3 in the next few weeks:happy: ... along with that I love watching shows like Forensic Files, 48 hours. I'm in the Forensic Psychology field and love watching documentaries or reading up on people like Charles Manson, Ed gein, etc. However, I do not like the scripted shows like CSI. Sorry to anyone who does :blushing: . What's somehting you'd like to share with us?
  • Wow! I'm 5'2" and feel like a giant compared to the posts I've read!!

  • DebbieEdwards1020
    DebbieEdwards1020 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5' I too tall to join? ;)
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hello new members!

    I would like everyone to fill out the roster as you feel comfortable. On the top of the roster we have four names in red, which are the lovely co-leaders in no particular order.

    Not everyone has to participate in the challenges. However, I would love for everyone to still provide at least their profile name. In addition, to separate those who are participating and those who are not, I would like for people participating to highlight their name in blue, while people not participating highlight their name in purple. Our first challenge is to lose 3 lbs by Oct. 14, as the challenge began Sept. 14. Thank you!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hi Laloquita!

    Some personal info....hmmmm....I would gladly leave my husband for Shemar Moore, Eminem or Robert Pattinson (as Edward, he looks a bit crusty in real life). I love Sponge Bob, he's so happy and positive and learns his lessons when he's wrong. He loves his work and will allways help anyone - he just makes me smile.
    I'm a nurse but I don't shout about it, last time I went out someone else mentioned my job and I honestly thought this lady was going to show me her bottom boil there and then in the pub!
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135

    I'm a nurse but I don't shout about it, last time I went out someone else mentioned my job and I honestly thought this lady was going to show me her bottom boil there and then in the pub!

    I know what you mean !! I'm a Physician Assistant and people always asking for medical advice. I hate to give it, in case I'm wrong. And it's not like I'm evaluating them.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Starting Challenge weight was 164
    Current weight: 160.8 Total loss>3.2
    The only thing that upsets me is that i've been trying to get out of the 160's for what seems like for ever! I need to break out of the 160's :grumble:
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    I hope it's not too late to join! My name is Adi and I'm 23 years old and am 5'3" tall. I just saw the challenge but I remember my weight on September 14th so I think I can still do it.

    I'm excited to join you all on this weight loss journey! :D
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi Laloquita!

    Some personal info....hmmmm....I would gladly leave my husband for Shemar Moore, Eminem or Robert Pattinson (as Edward, he looks a bit crusty in real life). I love Sponge Bob, he's so happy and positive and learns his lessons when he's wrong. He loves his work and will allways help anyone - he just makes me smile.
    I'm a nurse but I don't shout about it, last time I went out someone else mentioned my job and I honestly thought this lady was going to show me her bottom boil there and then in the pub!

    Haha, I was in looooove with Eminem before and I also think Robert Pattinson is pretty nice on the eyes. My celebrity crushes right now are Ryan Reynolds and Adam Levine from Maroon 5. I think I go through phases.

    I know what you mean by not brodcasting what field you are in.... whenever I say Forensic Psychology they think I'm either doing crime scene investigations which is something completely different, or the first thing that pops up is "Are you psycho-analyzing me?" I too can have a normal conversation without analyzing people lol. What area of nursing are you in?
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    Count me in, I'm 5'! Love this....
  • Personal info:
    I am getting my PhD while working full time and taking care of my husband of 12.5 years and my 3 kids! It's tough but I LOVE it!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Grr, I meant to quote and I didn't, hang on....
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Starting Challenge weight was 164
    Current weight: 160.8 Total loss>3.2
    The only thing that upsets me is that i've been trying to get out of the 160's for what seems like for ever! I need to break out of the 160's :grumble:

    You are at 160.8!! That is really good! Don't play it down, celebrate it! Keep going as you are and you'll be where you want to be soon enough!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Personal info:
    I am getting my PhD while working full time and taking care of my husband of 12.5 years and my 3 kids! It's tough but I LOVE it!
    Serious kudos to you there. That's not easy.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Here's a random post to break the silence: I've found that my kitty is a great workout motivator. She'll sometimes give me kisses mid-pushup, and loves to sneak underneath me mid-plank. When I feel out of steam but my only options are crushing the kitty and holding the position a little longer, well, I have to endure it!

    what a great motivation to be in proper form and stay strong!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Seems as though some of us shorties have little dogs too. My pomerian is so white and tiny my daughter named her "Marshmallow". I feel like an idiot the past 11 years (my she's getting old) yelling "Marshmallow" in the neighborhood or dog park for her.
    I'm a teacher, don't watch many shows or go to see the movies. I'm addicted to books however (not exercise friendly). My husband is 6'2", and with me at 4'11", my fully grown teenage girl at 4'9", and then two much younger others, he is a giant among munchkins.
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Some personal info....hmmmm....I would gladly leave my husband for Shemar Moore, Eminem or Robert Pattinson (as Edward, he looks a bit crusty in real life). I love Sponge Bob, he's so happy and positive and learns his lessons when he's wrong. He loves his work and will allways help anyone - he just makes me smile.

    i love Spongebob too - who wouldn't love to live in a pineapple under the sea! And I just want to give squidward a big hug and tell him it'll be ok haha.