VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • MissJennZ
    MissJennZ Posts: 13 Member
    Anyone have any pointers on how to break the dreaded plateau? I'm stuck. My scale hasn't moved in like a month or so. I've tried everything from changing my workouts and calorie shifting.. and nothing.. :cry:

    when I'm stuck on a plateau i REALLY scrutinize (sp?) what i eat as far as sugars and sodium go. my last plateau laster 1.5 months and i worked out even more, tried to eat less which never works!!! and once i started charting my sugars and sodium i was STILL taking in wayyy too much sugar per day. i changed that and within the week i had lost 2-3 lbs.

    keep working at it and hopefully one day you body will say 'holy crap! i've been working hard' and you'll drop a few lbs in an instant!

  • bobbijo47
    bobbijo: have you done any exercise videos or are they not enough? I just started Chalean X a week ago and love her attitude and slow pace. It's weight/strength training so it's more for toning, but I love it!

    I have one video and it's slim in six I beleive. I've done this video to many times I think I just got used to it, and it doesn't do anything for me anymore. Did you get Chalean x at a store or online? I've heard great things about her.
  • BrownSugar81
    Found yall!
  • krm0789
    krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
    I am wearing a dress today and my motivation for today is that I cannot wait for my thighs not to rub together at all! :wink:

    that would be nice! I can't remember a time in my life when they didn't... I never quite understood how some people are so comfy in skirts and dresses so much :)

    even at my skinniest-107 lbs mine still touched! i blame genetics!! :wink:

    Same here; my lowest was 100 & my thighs still touched! I had to be around 110-115 to make the rest of me proportional with my thighs & butt
  • pink_teacups
    Hi everyone! I am new here and I hope I am not to "tall" to join ha ha I am 5'3. My name is Dani and I am from Texas. I am ready to be short and thin instead of short and chunky. As of this morning I am 217.6 and would love to be in One-derland by December. I am pretty sure that I can do it and I know this group will help!!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Hello Challengers!

    Sorryif it seems I've been neglecting you all lately. I am in the midst of Finals at school and moving at home. SO, its kinda difficult for me to read everyones comments and respond to each person. (Tho, its what SHOULD be doing.) Unfortunately, life is calling me. By next week, I should be settled and be able to be back with my vertical challengers! Never the less, I'd like to Welcome each and every single new member we've had. I see you girls. Happy to see so much motivation. It's like contagious in this forum. I love it. Well, for those who don't know, my name is Ariel, and I look forward to getting to know you all and building a strong fist in pounding out this fat. lol Keep at it ladies, you're all awesome and beautiful! Have a lovely day!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    bobbijo: I ordered chalean extreme from amazon and got it used (much cheaper). If the person doesn't include the paperwork that it comes with you can google search it and print it out for free. The paperwork keeps track of your personal weight lifted and how many reps you can do.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hi girls and lovely new comers. Welcome. I know we've all struggled today and the site had been mega glitchy. For all the new comers we have a spread sheet if you would like to add yourself here:

    There is a challenge running which is to lose 3lbs by 14th October, fancy it? Brilliant!! I allowed to admit to having a wobble today? Is that allowed as a co-leader? :tongue:

    Well, I did. As some of you know :embarassed: and I just wanted to come on here and say, with the help of the people of MFP - with the help of MFP itself and it's annoying knack of making you accountable - I turned it around.

    I did not rely on food (I didn't take the doughnut), I did sulk a bit and then I got off me bum and moved it to the 30 day shred. That for me is a major achievement and one I would never have done without MFP. I would have folded if I hadn't held myself up to the scrutiny of others and my own self.

    I think the reason I'm saying this is, at times we all wobble, at times we all want to slip back to how we were because it was comfortable and it never challenged us, but - and I can only speak for myself - it was also a bit miserable, a bit withdrawn, a bit tainted with low self-esteem.
    Today I fell back on this site and it really helped, it helped me fund my own resources and that is what I want for all you little ladies out there too. I was victorious today and I want us all to feel that. It's great that I see people supporting others with ideas and suggestions in this group already. That really is what it's all about.

    Having a bad one? Share it and wait a minute...someone will come along and say 'I know how you feel but, DON'T TOUCH THE FLIPPIN' DOUGHNUT!'
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    So what kind of weights do you need with Chalean X? Is that different than Chalean Extreme?

    And do you have to know all the moves?

    At least Jillian explains everything... I once got a Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVD and gave up in the first two minutes because I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to be doing. No instructions whatsoever on form or what the move consisted of.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Thanks for the help girls. I'm so frazzled I'm willing to try anything LOL
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    hey all!

    Just stopping by to say hello :happy:
    Nichole1027: I am waiting for that day as well!! lol I think the last time my thighs didnt touch I was at least 13 !
    MrsBlobs: Good job on not relying on food! Its the best when we can overcome obstacles that once held us back!

    Today I walked my dog for a hour and could not believe the sweat I produced! I guess it had something to do with my 100+ lb doberman pulling me lol
    But I'm glad I got some type of workout in today because I have really been slacking!! Tomorrow I go to my fitness class which involves a cardio warm up, and strength training.
    Hopefully my hw doesn't pile up and I can get more workouts in throughout the week/weekend.
    I hope everyone has a great week and weekend!

    Talk to ya later; my george forman grilled chicken is burning! :tongue:
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I go to 24 Hour Fitness and they have a class called BODYPUMP (all caps, I know but thats how they write it on the board. So weird.).

    Has anyone taken a BODYPUMP class? I'm considering going once I'm done with Jillian but I'm a teensy bit scared to walk in there. I know I need to incorporate some strength training into my workouts and I dont think I would do any of it on machines by myself. But if I took a class, I might do more.
  • laroja1110
    laroja1110 Posts: 27 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Things are nice and lively in here :) I plan on updating my weightloss Friday (weigh-in day) and then trying to drop another 3 by the 14th for the challenge!!!

    I am curious to know what daily calories everyone is allowing themselves. Currently I'm in the low 200s at 5'0" tall and am at 1,210 calories/day. I want to lose about 1/week but I'm afraid that if I start off with my calories this low now how much lower will they be when I'm 130 or 120 and still in weight-loss mode? Also for other shorties in more of a maintenance mode, how many calories do you allow yourself in a day?

    Any feedback is welcome!

    P.S. How do I get the vertical challengers picture in my signature??
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hello fellow shorties!!

    Welcome to our new members. I love the interaction going in the “room” already! This is exactly what this group was designed for, all of us to come in with anything on our minds.

    I want to share with you a thought I had last night. As I was skipping through channels, I came across the “Insanity” workout DVD collection. You guys know… where you have to EARN the shirt not buy it. I couldn’t help but laugh and smile at the same time while watching the infomercial again. Just a few months ago I remember thinking that’s exactly what I need! I’ll be in shape in no time, the best I’ve ever been! So enthusiastic, but glad I didn’t buy it. If anyone reading this is like me, then you’ll know how it feels to put in your all, feel the pressure and pain and immediately quit! So I couldn’t help but laugh at my desperate attempt at something I could not handle at the time, but also smile at where my thoughts are today. I began to think… soon I will be that success story where I put my before and after picture side to side and see all the work I put into it. I was so glad I finally woke up and smelled the coffee and realized I need to go at this slowly and at my own pace to keep it a lifestyle change and not just think getting through a DVD was going to help me with my real issue… “eating my emotions.” I also couldn’t help but smile at the fact that I was watching the infomercial and realizing I wasn't sitting there WISHING, I could look great and feel great about my body. I’m feeling it now. I then decided to take installment 3 of my photos during this transformation and saw how far I’ve come. I was also able to point out places that needed to shrink, but knew my next photo would be even better. Although I’m not at my goal and don’t have the body I want NOW… I and WE ALL NEED to CELEBRATE OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Whether it’s getting exercise in because we’ve feel as though we’ve been slacking (linbaby4) :wink: or not TOUCHING THE FLIPPING DOUGHNUT (MrsBlobs) :wink: … celebrate it fellow shorties :drinker: … because the “SMALL” things do count just like us small lovely people and it all adds up in the end. Every small change we do is helping us and even if we have a setback we know there was a time when we made small and large changes and that we are FULLY CAPABLE of doing it again. I want everyone to remember that and think about that the next time you feel you aren’t getting anywhere, because you are and you will. :heart:
  • Shellitz
    I go to 24 Hour Fitness and they have a class called BODYPUMP (all caps, I know but thats how they write it on the board. So weird.).

    Has anyone taken a BODYPUMP class? I'm considering going once I'm done with Jillian but I'm a teensy bit scared to walk in there. I know I need to incorporate some strength training into my workouts and I dont think I would do any of it on machines by myself. But if I took a class, I might do more.

    Pump Classes are awesome. Don't be scared off after your first class, you will be sore. But I promise promise promise it is no where near as bad the second time. Absolutely worth pushing through for the results. I hate doing weights just at the gym, I find it really boring, so pump is the only way I get any weight trainig done. Same as any class, it's easier when you look at it as 'six songs' instead of 45 mins haha.
  • mousemgr2
    Hi everyone!

    I am 5' 1/2". I never had a weight problem until my early 30's. Now I am struggling to take it off. I am trying anything that works to stay focused on eating healthier. Today at work I was so obsessed with wanting a candy bar I almost went craxy. Instead, I decided to make a list of the top 15 reasons I shouldn't eat that candy bar. Believe it or not, seeing all of my reasons in writing kept me from getting that candy bar. Also, taking that 15 minutes helped distract me from the craving.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Things are nice and lively in here :) I plan on updating my weightloss Friday (weigh-in day) and then trying to drop another 3 by the 14th for the challenge!!!

    I am curious to know what daily calories everyone is allowing themselves. Currently I'm in the low 200s at 5'0" tall and am at 1,210 calories/day. I want to lose about 1/week but I'm afraid that if I start off with my calories this low now how much lower will they be when I'm 130 or 120 and still in weight-loss mode? Also for other shorties in more of a maintenance mode, how many calories do you allow yourself in a day?

    Any feedback is welcome!

    P.S. How do I get the vertical challengers picture in my signature??

    Compliments of TooFatToFit, which has provided a previous tutorial on adding the banner to your signature.

    First off, since it's hosted with I *think* it okay for us to use it as is and not save it and upload it to our own image host, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

    1. Right click on the banner you want, and select Copy image location.
    2. At the top of this page right under where it says Message Boards>>..... click on Signature.
    3. Put in [I m g]paste what you copied[/ I m g] but do not put the spaces in between the "img" like I did.
    4. Save your new signature.

    I am set at 1200 calories a day. I'm 126.5 right now. I would believe depending on your exercise and activity level they would up your calories. I know they wouldn't want anyone eating less than 1200. So it shouldn't be a problem. If anyone knows or I'm wrong please correct me. I'm still learning all of this.

    Oh btw I don't eat 1200 all the time I go over with exercise or may be like 50 cals under at other times. All depends but that's what it's set to. ;)
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    laloquita and Mrs.Blobs...thank you for your very inspiring posts! You are both so right. Blobs, I'm proud of you for not choosing the doughnut! And laloquita, you're right about taking it one slow and steady step at a time. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the new members!

    And FYI, my daily calorie goal is 1200 (for 1.5lb loss per week).
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Well, thats good news about the BODYPUMP class, I must say! I'm actually kind of excited to incorporate it into my workouts with that glowing review! Thank you!

    So I have a question. My calorie goal is 1200 (probably like most of us who want to lose is) but I want to eat as healthy as possible. I'm finding that I have to include things I wouldnt normally eat just to reach that number. I am routinely somewhere around 900. I *am* losing weight and I work out (I burn about 1700 calories a week). I am not currently eating any of my exercise calories back but I do plan to try to eat at least half of them back once I lose about five more pounds.

    Are all of you eating 1200 or more? Or do you come in under sometimes?

    I'm trying not to eat white bread or white rice or potatoes even though I LOVE those things. I know I'm only two weeks into this and I have gotten some VERY good ideas on high calorie foods like peanut butter, avocado, and nuts. I'm hoping to improve my eating habits AND get to 1200 calories. Its just kinda rough right now.