VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • MissJennZ
    MissJennZ Posts: 13 Member
    I am wearing a dress today and my motivation for today is that I cannot wait for my thighs not to rub together at all! :wink:

    that would be nice! I can't remember a time in my life when they didn't... I never quite understood how some people are so comfy in skirts and dresses so much :)

    even at my skinniest-107 lbs mine still touched! i blame genetics!! :wink:
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'2....and a half.

    I just joined today and I'm pumped to stick with this and make things happen.

    I weigh far too much for being so short so for the kick in the butt it'll give me, I'm in for the challenge - 3 lbs.. I can do that! Where do I sign up?!


    Add your name to the roster. Since you're partcipating in the challenge highlight your name in blue. Add the information you feel comfortable sharing. Thanks and Welcome to the VERTICAL CHALLENGERS!:drinker:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Nichole: how you are you enjoying your boot camp? Those things intimidate me.

    Babygirl: my father runs marathons, and I always admire those that do them!

    otranquility: I love the "6'4" teddy bear". My hubby is tall too.

    bobbijo: have you done any exercise videos or are they not enough? I just started Chalean X a week ago and love her attitude and slow pace. It's weight/strength training so it's more for toning, but I love it!

    bethgrayster: wow, how nice to get all those professionals to help you attain a goal! Very envious, good for you!

    MissJenn: at my skinniest as well my thighs have always touched, just like you, I blame genetics! And super short legs, I have a long torso.
  • stefnicole
    I've already added myself to the roster!

    My name is Stephanie and I'm 4'11 and 3/4" (that quarter inch matters!). I'm 27 and I live in Kansas. I'm a phamacist at the hospital so I have a variable schedule - which makes it hard to get a routine going. I'm hoping this challenge will help keep me on track!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Look at all of us short girls!! I love this. It made me so happy to see our goals listed on that spreadsheet. Theyre all right in the same range!

    Welcome to those who have just arrived. I can't wait to see how well we lose. I know it helps me to have others keeping at eye on my diary and encouraging me to branch out in my exercise.

    Right now I'm doing the 30DS. I'm halfway through level 2. Its really hard but I'm losing weight and seeing definition in my arms.
    I also am going to the gym for cardio twice a week ( I will bump that up to 3 times a week in October).

    I need ideas on what to do next. I ordered Ripped in 30 and No More Trouble Zones (both Jillian Michaels) but am considering something by Chalean.
    Recommendations on a good Chalean DVD would be appreciated.

    I had never done a workout DVD before and I am shocked at how hard it is!

    What are you all doing for exercise?
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member

    I can't wait 4'10" and fit in kids shoes size 3 and half.:smile:

  • stefnicole
    Right now, I'm mostly using my elliptical ~4 times a week. I try to get to zumba when I'm not working, but I haven't been for about 2 weeks.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Just added my info to the spreadsheet.

    Never introduced myself officially.....Well my name is Leslie aka Smurfette..I have two almost teenage daughters (12 and 15), living in MD. At my lowest weight I was 95 in high school...then went into the Army and gained about 5-10 pounds, got married had a baby, then had another...I still think I was fine until I got older and comfortable and got out the Army (of course). So my heaviest was at 125 and now I'm working to tone my legs and abs and get down to about 110-115.

    I started 30 DS at the beginning of the month, added on Killer Buns & Thighs near the middle and going to start Ripped in 30 next month along with 6 pack abs. I've lost about 5 inches so far all aroun and 8 pounds.

    Glad to find this group and looking forward to working out with you guys.
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi ,
    My name is Gina aka gnastro, I have 4 children 1 boy and 3 girls (20, 17, 16 and 14) . The lowest I ever weighed in High School was 110 lbs. That was with 3 hrs. of cardio and lived on boiled chicken and rice. I started lifting 11 years ago and working out. Happily married to my high school sweet heart for 21 yrs. so far. I am a nurse who tries to juggle all the demands of being a mom. Heaviest weight not pregnant 152, pregnant 172. I did a 5k 3 yrs. ago and did in 33 minutes. Did 5k last yr. and did it in 30 min and 22 seconds. I am going to try to beat my time this year.

    So happy to find this group and to realize I am not alone.
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm Lisa. I'm 45 years old, single, with a very spoiled 13.8 lb cat named D'Artagnon. I know how much he weighs because he's decided he likes that flat thing in the bathroom as a pedestal when I'm brushing my teeth or taking a shower......and my scale happens to have Wi-Fi and logs his weight right along side mine. (Note -the scale is smart enough to recognize him as an individual and doesn't confuse our weigh-ins)

    I spent several decades in the MO/SMO category, finally peaking at 277 lbs back in January 2005, while eating 1800 calories a day. My metabolism was broken. I was diagnosed with PCOS and put on metformin which created a 16 lb weight loss. Then in September 2005, I flew to Brazil and had a form of weight loss surgery called the Duodenal Switch. That surgery saved my life, and helped me lose 101 lbs. It eliminated my high cholesterol and my PCOS, and helped get me into normal size clothes by surgically repairing my metabolism. .

    The DS does this through intestinal malabsorption, so I don't absorb 80% of the fat that I eat. This is great when it comes to eating bacon, but not so great when it comes to figuring out how many calories I'm actually ABSORBING because it's not the same as what I eat. With the help of the DS, I plateaued at 160lbs for the last 5 years.

    Thru the exercise function here on MFP, I figured out a way to tweak it so that I can 'subtract' malabsorption calories and get a TRUE picture of my intake. This new knowledge has allowed me to continue my weight loss journey, and since I started here, I have lost another 17.5 lbs, so I am now 142.5 lbs.

    I cannot tell you how excited I am to have this information, and to FINALLY be able to use diet & exercise to lose weight. I'm currently getting into size 6 jeans (a completely new experience!), and yet I can tell that I'm not "there" yet. I'd currently like to lose another 20 lbs, and have joined one of the Christmas challenges here to lose 12 lbs in the 12 weeks before Xmas.

    What else? I bought myself a motorcycle for my 40th birthday, and I love it. I also got into rock climbing, although I haven't done that lately. I love yoga. Love, love, love yoga. I never thought I would get into it, but it's truly a challenge and the challenge is vs. myself so there's no 'loser' when I win. I prefer machines to free weights but do not like that so many machines will not adjust for the little people. I *could* do that if I could touch the ground, or hold that handle AND press my back against the seat. My favorite are ab exercises - I seriously could do that all day. I feel strong when I do them.

    Nice to see other people with the same challenges who aren't going "I'd love to be 142 lbs - be happy where you are", not realizing that I have a BMI of 28.

    I have a small frame, and am kind of unsure about how low is too low to go, so I'm kind of thinking I'm going to 'keep going' until I feel that I'm too skinny and then bounce back to where it feels right.
  • Eveline_ph
    Guess I should say a little bit more about myself too! I am nearly 22 years old, I have always been a few pounds over what I wanted to be, tried different types of 'diets', the idea being my mums', best i managed to get to was 114 but still didn't look good enough. I used to eat a lot of crappy fast foods with my boyfriend all through the summer, working at a sedentary job having nothing to do all day helped me start eating more out of boredom aswell :explode: . Then the first year at university came, and the crazy life of fast foods and as many sweets as I can eat didn't help me at all :P So I gained more and more untill i got to 152! At the start of the year I got sick of it and decided to stop listening to all the 'educated' advices of people around me, I bet all of us know those - 'don't eat after 18:00', 'only drink liquids when it's full moon and you will lose tons of pounds in 1 'day', 'don't eat bread and you will be ok', 'try this diet of starving yourself for a week, works so good!!!!!' :noway: I have slowly then been trying to change my eating habits, although I don't think I'll ever be able to give up on chocolate(cakes) so I do treat myself with them from time to time, need to feed my soul too eh! :laugh:
    2 months ago i figured out i need to add more to my plan! So i tried running, but it was more like walking for me :bigsmile: , I was sooooo out of shape! Decided to run with a friend but seeing how I couldn't really keep up with her i went for it alone, did it for about 2 weeks nearly every morning and decided running really isn't my thing! That was when i found turbofire, i tried to stick to doing my workouts daily but sometimes felt too tired because of work and skipped days :( Figured out i wasn't sticking to it properly and gave up on that aswell for now... may be try it again once i have more free time. Uni is starting again next week for me, I started the 30DS 3 days ago and joined this forum hoping it will make me stay accountable for what I do this time! :wink:
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Haha at those diets Purpleheart, shame of it is though I've probably tried most of them!

    Again - thanks for the bio's girls - means a lot :heart:

    I'm going to kick my own bum into shape today...

    ('*kitten*' sounds so much better when spoken by an American, '*kitten*' just sounds silly and too posh in that context, so bum will have to do)

    ...anyway, I've pretty much got down what works for me (eating 100-200 over my calories and then burning to make a deficit), but as ever - the secret is in the doing and I haven't exactly been doing anything. Felt yukky on Saturday (self induced), then felt yukky Sunday and Monday (tummy bug) and then just felt sooooo tired yesterday that I've not been doing my exercising.

    That's not good and I know me (Yes, some of you guys know it too) I'll use anything as an excuse and once I get a taste of my sloth like ways, it's difficult to shake it off.

    So...I'm going to shift my bum today to do JM's 30ds and some Zumba. Should help to bring me out of my semi-coma anyway. I always feel so much more alert when I regularly exercise.

    @ Purpleheart...again. One thing that has helped me is listing what I hate about my current weight/size/shape and some of the symptoms I get and then also listing what I'm looking forward to. I've put them in my blog, I've written them in the forums here. I constantly remind myself and that helps to keep me focussed. Especially when you get down a bit, amnesia can set in real quick and you can forget how much you wanted it and how much it meant. Write it down, keep writing and revisit at times when you feel your resolve wavering. It helps me anyway.

    Have a good day ladies :happy:
  • Eveline_ph
    I like the word bum more aswell haha! Who doesn't like working their bum bum off to get it to look more sexy! :love:
    I know exactly how you feel about the 'use anything for an excuse not to exercise', *kicks Blobs on the bum GO WORK !*
    Thanks for the advice too, sounds like a nice plan, i'll go write a list and stick it wherever i can so it's in my face all the time! :)
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Anyone have any pointers on how to break the dreaded plateau? I'm stuck. My scale hasn't moved in like a month or so. I've tried everything from changing my workouts and calorie shifting.. and nothing.. :cry:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Saffyra: I do the chalean extreme dvd's right now and I love them. And after only a week, I'm getting compliments on definition.

    gnastro: I also fit into a size 3 shoe, lol.

    blackthorn: I love yoga and rock climbing, while I haven't done that in awhile. My favorite part was when I repelled off of waterfalls at the top. What a thrill! Gosh in thinking of it, now I miss it...

    MrsBlobs: love the "once I get a taste of my sloth", so true!

    SugarDiva: I'm stuck on a plateau as well for 3 weeks. This week trying to eat a tad more to see if that helps (it hasn't so far) ugh
  • JaimeBrown5
    I wrote out a bio and the site had a moment when I went to post it and I lost it all! :(
  • max4pups
    max4pups Posts: 29 Member
    YAY a place for us LOL
    although I'm feeling tall at 5'2" :P

    i'm almost to goal, but I still need accountability :D
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    My name is Amanda, I am 5'1" and I just turned 30 years old. I started running in January and I have since run 3 half marathons and numerous 'shorter' races. I am a slow runner, I run for run, for me. I have also had 4 knee surgeries, so that is why this is such a huge deal that I can RUN at all!
    I signed up for my first marathon in April 2012 and I have a few half marathons before that as well as about 10 other races.

    I made a goal for myself to run 30 races during the year I am 30...and I am 3 weeks into 30 and need 29 more races!

    I am near my heaviest, which was 135, I am 130 now and I would die to be nearer 115. I have been as low as 124 this year but found the weight again.
    I need to stay consistent about JUNK FOOD. I love it. Stupid delicious food.

    I work full time and I am a step mom every other week to a 7 year old and 4 year old.
  • otranquility
    Hey everyone!
    I'm just stopping by to say hi to our group!
    Hopefully everyone a below calorie day yesterday! I didnt haha!

    We can do great today!!!
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I wrote out a bio and the site had a moment when I went to post it and I lost it all! :(

    Yeah, the site was weird earlier. I know it's a pain to lose a whole bunch of text you just spent time on...we'll take the condensed version if you're up to it. :)

    Oh, and welcome to then newcomers!!!!