VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I was able to do that last night, but now I get a page not found error. :(

    I just checked it out and it came up. I wonder if more than a few people are looking at it or editing it, it may say that. I'm not completely computer savvy. :blushing: lol
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hello ladies!
    I have a question, on the spread sheet it says "starting weight" is this the starting weight from when I joined MFP or when I joined the challenge for this thread?

    You can post whichever weight you want. I know some people have started their weightloss journey before MFP. I posted my weight when I started MFP or you can post when you start here. I figured whichever the person would want to track would be best for them. We'll be able to track how many pounds or so by the challenges.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I stole this off my own intro post...I guess it was too long because no one replied, but maybe if you have a minute you will. lol I always seem to type too much:

    Hello everyone....I've read a bit and it seems like a really friendly place, so I'm just going to push my shy habits to the side and jump in.

    I'm a 35 year old mother of 2, and very unhappy with the way I've been living my life.
    8< SNIP SNIP >8
    Sorry for that being so long, but I'm rather excited about what the future can hold for me. I think I'll need the support (and peer pressure) to keep my enthusiasm going. I have such a strong hibernation instinct during the winter. lol

    Your kids will love watching their mum transform into the happy butterfly she deserves to be :)

    I used to fall to convenience food because I convinced myself that I din't have time to cook a fresh meal every night. It was easier to pull something out of the freezer and slap it in the oven. I am slowly getting better at planning meals. Small things to prepare ahead go a LONG way. I like to take a couple of hours on a sunday to do what prep I can to make it easier on myself during the week. Cut up your veggies and store them pre-cut in the fridge (potato, pumpkin & carrot keep well in some water). Prepare some meat a couple of days ahead. Marinate it, make your own hamburgers, thread some chicken fillet strips on skewers and pop them in the fridge or freezer... whatever you can to take away that temptaion to order out :)

    How old are your kiddies? They might like to help in the kitchen too - simple things like helping make a salad or rolling some hamburgers. If it's treated more like spending time together rather than a chore it makes it a lot more fun for everybody, and they get to eat their own creations!

    Good luck - you can do it!

    Thank you...the kids are now 7 and 9. My daughter likes to help me in the kitchen, but my, he is SO much a boy version of my own 9 year old self. lol He is the one that I think about the most when I think of being a better role model. He's the one I can see having this very same struggle. My daughter is naturally a 'mover' and lucky for her, inherited her fathers slim frame.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I was able to do that last night, but now I get a page not found error. :(

    I just checked it out and it came up. I wonder if more than a few people are looking at it or editing it, it may say that. I'm not completely computer savvy. :blushing: lol

    It's working for me now and says 2 other maybe it does get overloaded sometimes.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I don't have time to get any recipes up here right now, but one of my favourite sources is [link][/link]. They have a healthy living section and nutritional info for each recipe.

    Ignore the "[link]" tags...why on earth doesn't this message board use the most basic of formatting codes???? :ohwell:
  • otranquility
    Well I have had my first struggle of the day.... lunch with co-workers.... indian food.... way more calories then I wanted to eat :(
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hi Guys...I would just like to say welcome to all newbies, this is an open group so all short sweeties are welcome at any time.

    Also - thanks so much for the bio's, it really helps to put a human spin on things instead of just being randoms in the virtual world. Some of them have touched me a lot and I've been able to recognise and empathise with quite a few stories.

    It's been so lovely to see them and share, but what is going to be far better is to share our weightloss, our improved health and our victories with each other! Because, lets face it, we all deserve it!!!!

    Here is to learning from the past - looking to the future - and grabbing it with both hands. :drinker:

    Vertical Challengers all the way!!!!!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Well I have had my first struggle of the day.... lunch with co-workers.... indian food.... way more calories then I wanted to eat :(

    I can only imagine... the best thing to do now is try and work some of those bad boys off and alter certain choices for others there or choose smaller portions. It's all a lesson and we learn as we go along.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi Guys...I would just like to say welcome to all newbies, this is an open group so all short sweeties are welcome at any time.

    Also - thanks so much for the bio's, it really helps to put a human spin on things instead of just being randoms in the virtual world. Some of them have touched me a lot and I've been able to recognise and empathise with quite a few stories.

    It's been so lovely to see them and share, but what is going to be far better is to share our weightloss, our improved health and our victories with each other! Because, lets face it, we all deserve it!!!!

    Here is to learning from the past - looking to the future - and grabbing it with both hands. :drinker:

    Vertical Challengers all the way!!!!!

    I couldn't have said it better myself!

    I can completely relate to a lot of the stories I've had the privilege of reading. I’ve been the college student that gained weight from stress and too quick fast food meals to save time. I’ve been the one that gained weight from stress of having family members battling certain illnesses. I have that significant other that eats his plate, my plate, and goes for 2nd’s and 3rd’s and doesn’t gain a pound. When I first met my fiancé I was FINALLY at a weight I was comfortable with and wore shorts in public finally!

    When I was younger I was on the other end of the spectrum where I was sooo skinny people thought I was anorexic. Although I wasn’t, I was “that person” where I ate everything in sight and never gained. I didn’t reach 100 lbs until my second year of college. Fast forward to 21 and my boring sedentary job at Guitar Center and I gained more weight. Then fast forward to getting my Masters these past two years and the chaos that ensued during my last year and I ended up gaining another 15 lbs where the last 10 lbs was gained just this past summer during my last month of my internship. In 1 month, I gained 10 pounds!!! I am that emotional eater, where If I’m angry, upset, happy, stressed… I run to my lil friend “food.” I need to get this under control! I refused to hit 140 and let food win this battle since I knew this would continue to be a downhill battle, so finally I came back to MFP and couldn’t be more happy that my friend introduced me to this site!
  • AlmostMrsP
    AlmostMrsP Posts: 65 Member
    HI All,

    I posted on the other thread, but glad I found all my short girls over here.

    I'm 5' and 1/2" (that half inch really matters). I've always been on the curvy side, and never really minded. I tried to eat right, but really just enjoyed food and life. I met my fiance just over 3 years ago and gained a lot of weight in the time we've been together, although I don't know exactly how much since I've never really liked scales. I believe my highest was around 190lbs. As soon as we booked the venue for our wedding, I realized it was time to start loosing. I want to look amazing on my wedding day and not have regrets about not working out enough or eating right. My starting weight on mfp was 180, I'm down to 170 and hope to be 140 or lower for the wedding in June. Once I hit 140 I plan to re-evaluate how I look and feel and will probably set a new goal.

    My fiance has been amazingly supportive. He's in great shape and has metabolism that allows him to eat whatever he wants, and he always has enjoyed bad foods. But he wants to tone up some before the wedding and he sees the benefits of eating better so when we have kids we can raise them with healthier foods and better eating habits, something he wasn't raised with. Therefore, he's eating and enjoying the healthier meals we're cooking. We also work out together. He's been an amazing source of encouragement even though he couldn't tell I had gained weight and really doesn't care if I loose weight.

    Last little bit about me, I'm a Chicagoan born and raised, but moved out to sunny San Diego last year. The nice thing about living here, is there is no excuse for staying inside and being inactive since the weather is always nice. I'm a full time grad student with just over 2 months of classes left, then hoping to land a job back in the real world.
  • otranquility

    he sees the benefits of eating better so when we have kids we can raise them with healthier foods and better eating habits, something he wasn't raised with.

    This!! I want my daughter to eat healthy! She has a tiny frame and I don't know if weight will ever be an issue for her, but I really want her to learn how to eat healthy. We are pretty good about keeping healthy foods in the house, but I have to admit that we eat out A LOT!
    A habit I NEED to kick in the butt!!!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    HI All,

    I posted on the other thread, but glad I found all my short girls over here.

    I'm 5' and 1/2" (that half inch really matters). I've always been on the curvy side, and never really minded. I tried to eat right, but really just enjoyed food and life. I met my fiance just over 3 years ago and gained a lot of weight in the time we've been together, although I don't know exactly how much since I've never really liked scales. I believe my highest was around 190lbs. As soon as we booked the venue for our wedding, I realized it was time to start loosing. I want to look amazing on my wedding day and not have regrets about not working out enough or eating right. My starting weight on mfp was 180, I'm down to 170 and hope to be 140 or lower for the wedding in June. Once I hit 140 I plan to re-evaluate how I look and feel and will probably set a new goal.

    My fiance has been amazingly supportive. He's in great shape and has metabolism that allows him to eat whatever he wants, and he always has enjoyed bad foods. But he wants to tone up some before the wedding and he sees the benefits of eating better so when we have kids we can raise them with healthier foods and better eating habits, something he wasn't raised with. Therefore, he's eating and enjoying the healthier meals we're cooking. We also work out together. He's been an amazing source of encouragement even though he couldn't tell I had gained weight and really doesn't care if I loose weight.

    Last little bit about me, I'm a Chicagoan born and raised, but moved out to sunny San Diego last year. The nice thing about living here, is there is no excuse for staying inside and being inactive since the weather is always nice. I'm a full time grad student with just over 2 months of classes left, then hoping to land a job back in the real world.

    Welcome Welcome! I'm in the Chicago area too. I work out there and just finished up my Masters over there too. I live in Indiana though. Please fill out the roster in this link with any information you feel comfortable with. Please highlight your name in blue if you want to participate in the challenge or purple if you don't. Also pass the message to any other vertical challengers of our new home. We've been trying to get the message out. Thank you!!!
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    Hello fellow shorties :)

    I guess I'll introduce myself. My name is Lindsay I'm currently a junior in college tackling this biology/pre-med major one semester at a time. I have always been petite & skinny wavering between 125-140 lbs and could eat whatever I wanted until freshman year of college and it all went down hill. I'm sure I can attribute some of it to the alcohol, late nights, and junk food galore but I have since moved home, stopped partying as much and still have been unable to shed the weight.
    My main problem for weight gain is that I still have the mindset that I can eat whatever I want and it not affect me. My wake up call would have to be the day I stepped on the scale and it said 160 lbs! That is only 40 lbs away from 200. Heart disease and early deaths run in my family so I knew I had to change it soon before its too late. My main goal is to become a fitness model of some sort. But ultimately to feel better about myself, be healthy, and happy! :)
    I'm very determined but also a complete procrastinator. I get discouraged easily and tend to give up once something proves to be the slightest bit hard. I think this group/challenge will be good for me. A chance to meet people who are in the same boat as me and a chance to lend out a helping hand/motivation to whomever may need it.

    I am always looking for new advice or just someone to chat with so feel free to add me :)
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    I am wearing a dress today and my motivation for today is that I cannot wait for my thighs not to rub together at all! :wink:
  • LuckieSC
    yes me to I am up for a challenge; I lost 5 pounds last I am ready...all 6 feet and 2 inches of me (subtract 2 feet and add 11 inches..:-))
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    yes me to I am up for a challenge; I lost 5 pounds last I am ready...all 6 feet and 2 inches of me (subtract 2 feet and add 11 inches..:-))

    Please fill out the roster with information you feel comfortable sharing. If you are participating in the challenge, highlight your name in blue and if not in purple. Here is the link. Thanks!!! :bigsmile:
  • MissJennZ
    MissJennZ Posts: 13 Member
    yay! A place for short people!

    I'm new here and can't wait to start my journey! I recently went back to school and have gained 15 lbs back from the 30 lbs i worked so hard to lose over last winter :sad:

    I know i don't have a LOT of time to dedicate to the gym/dieting but my goal is to plan ahead, focus on not over eating and hopefully not GAIN weight in the next 6 months and if I happen to lose a few pounds along the way I will be happy! I want to focus more on my exercise/dieting/lifestyle change once I dont have law classes to study for!!

    LETS GO!!
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I was hoping to find somthing like this. I don't do well with challenges mostly because I totally burn myself out, but I would sure like to just follow along :flowerforyou: It will be fun to meet new people who are "vertically challenged" as am I.

    My name is Naomi. I am a wife and mommy to 3 Fantastic kiddos age 14, 10, and 3. I dabbled with MFP last year in February and lost 20 lbs and managed to keep it off even though I stopped loging and stuff in about July. I started logging again in January and have lost another 19.5 lbs to be exact for a grand total of 39.5 lbs. My starting weight was 186 and my current weight is 144.5. I would like to lose another 10 lbs by December but with holidays coming and school programs and LIFE I will be happy to just maintain. Slow and steady right??? :drinker:

    Oh totally forgot I am 5'1
  • erinmcw
    erinmcw Posts: 6 Member
    I am wearing a dress today and my motivation for today is that I cannot wait for my thighs not to rub together at all! :wink:

    that would be nice! I can't remember a time in my life when they didn't... I never quite understood how some people are so comfy in skirts and dresses so much :)
  • JaimeBrown5
    Hi! I'm 5'2....and a half.

    I just joined today and I'm pumped to stick with this and make things happen.

    I weigh far too much for being so short so for the kick in the butt it'll give me, I'm in for the challenge - 3 lbs.. I can do that! Where do I sign up?!