VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • So in!
    Did anyone post a link of this thread on the original one so the other shorties will be aware of the "home" change lol (:
  • Hello ladies!
    I have been so swamped with work this week so I really havent had a chance to read through all the posts!
    Just wanted to say hello and congrats to those who have lost this week!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    TGIF! I hope to reach my 3 lb goal by oct. I've been doing good this week. the only bad thing is that I tend to fall off the wagon on the weekends. :grumble:
  • jackshortstack
    jackshortstack Posts: 19 Member
    Morning! Here's the link to the roster for everyone:

    Happy Friday all!
  • For the people with MFB on Blackberrys - how do you access anything other than progress, FAQ and your exercise and food diaries on it? I can't get to any of the community areas...
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hey there!
    I am not looking to participate in any challenges, but I just HAD to say hello.
    I saw some folks that are close, but I THINK I have you all beat.
    I am 4'9"!!
    38 yrs old and wear a CHILD size 2 shoe :)

    I am currently maintaining after losing 12lbs when I started working out and counting calories back in 2007.
    Nice to "meet" you all.
    Feel free to add me if you would like.
    Have a great weekend!
  • MissJennZ
    MissJennZ Posts: 13 Member
    Morning Everyone!!

    I am finally back to where i left off on my weight loss journey. I weighed in at 138.6 lbs this morning! YAY!!

    I was having evil demons yesterday and wanted chocolate SOOOOO BAD!! I discovered Extra sugar free gum in APPLE PIE, MINT CHIP AND STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!!! you guys have to try it! it saved my chocolate craving!! although i dont think i added that to my food diary..oops!

    tonight is my last night of softball for the summer, we're going out to Acapulco mexican restaurant for the celebration...I'm sure im going to consume extra calories so i'm trying to be strict about what i eat for the rest of the day today. i just cant resist the cheese dipping sauce for the chips!! YUMMM!

    I wont be around much this weekend, i'll be house shopping! YAY!! hope you all have a great weekend, stick to your goals and find some time to exercise!! Make it a great weekend! :heart:
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    For the people with MFB on Blackberrys - how do you access anything other than progress, FAQ and your exercise and food diaries on it? I can't get to any of the community areas...
    I can't get into the community area either :(
    Blackberry app suckss!!
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Resisted an oatmeal cream pie this morning and the fun part is that I wasn't actually very tempted... This is good news.

    Just wanted to share :)
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Hello Challengers and welcome to all new comers!

    How are you all doin this Friday? &how has this past week treated you? Struggles? non-struggles?

    It has been a very busy week for myself.. but, I am mostly satisfied with my progress this week.

    Just like, the comment about being "tempted" but, suprisingly, not actually feeling too tempted... thats what I noticed this week.. it has gotten easier to nt want those bad foods when everytime I look at something to eat, I add up my calories in my head lol.
    and then logging on mfp, n seeing posts about u all doing so well, makes me wanna jump on the banwagon and follow it alllll the way to a new skinny wardrobe lol.
    HOWEVER, that's ot to say I don't "give in" every now and then. If I reeeeally want something, I have it. But, maybe just a bite.. enough to satisfy that craving. So, there's my lil piece of advice, if you're wanting someting really bad, have it, but just a little bit.. better than letting the craving grow until you "FEAST" on bad calories. lol

    Anyway, you should know that You all inspire me. and I love coming to this thread and readin all the comments. Everyone's so positive and everyone understands eachother. I love this place.
    Hope you all have a great day and a fabulous weekend. Relax a little ;)

  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I hope everyone is ready for the weekend!

    Just remember weekends dont mean you can pig out or slack off!

    I resisted Chocolate Decadence Mousse cake at work today. Everyone around me was moaning in appreciation of its delicious richness and im pretty sure i gained a pound just *smelling* it but i DID NOT cave!

    I am desperate to lose this weight and I refuse to give in just in case I try to justify having more than I should. My biggest problem is not knowing when to stop so if I dont start I'll be okay!

    Im on level 2 day 8 on my 30 day shred and it is still kicking my butt! Im being faithful, though.

    My official weigh in is Monday and Im actually lloking forward to what the scale will say!

    Have a fabulous friday night, ladies!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Gonna make a confession.. I ate 3 servings of Lindt Dark Chocolate with sea salt... However I did turn down the mass amounts of desserts at lunch, and the regular pop, and I took a half a sandwich that had the least amount of dressing/condiments on it. I will probably go over my calorie goals tonight BUT I will be back on track tomorrow.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    I wanted to share that I finally lost a pound after a three week standstill. :heart: So excited!! I worked on 15 separate occassions last week just for the freaking pound. I tried to eat around 1100 and 1500 calories a day, swam 7 times, weight lifting 3 times, and short stints of ab work and other cardio.
    Gosh why is it so hard to lose weight when short? I hate that food really can't go lower than 1200 for nutrients, regardless of size.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Hooray Lttee!!!

    That was a LOT of work you put in >.< !

    Lets hope this was the first of many.

    Prettypixidaisy~ I have to commend you for resisting regular soda. That's probably worse than the three pieces of chocolate you ate. Keep it up :)
  • Rosemary1049
    Rosemary1049 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I just heard about this site today and being 5 foot one inch , I think this is the group for me. I am also almost a senior and a 3 year breast cancer survivour taking meds that inhibit weight loss , so I need alot of help .
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Morning All!!!

    Woo! I'm a bit psyched this morning and I don't even know why...I think it's because I finally got some proper Z's in last night. What a difference a good kip makes, eh?

    Anyway, Welcome all newbies! It's lovely to see you all and everyone is more than welcome whatever your health goal is.

    @ MCDerin I'm 4'10" but wear a size 1 shoe! I beat you in the foot wear department!! Which I find personally quite annoying as the UK doesn't cater 'that' well for people over 10 years that have small feet. I struggle to find any shoes that don't have stars, love hearts or hello kitty on them! :laugh:

    Anyway, as a lot of you have reminded, it's the weekend. No excuses! Come Monday I know I don't want to see a gain despite it being my daughter 7th on Sunday. If I do endulge, I'm gonna burn it!! No way am I going backwards!! I've made the challenge - I don't want to un-make it!!

    And...talking of daughters I won't be around that much this weekend. I'm taking my daughter and mum (in her wheelchair, I will definitely be feeling 'the burn') to Lakeside (a mall) for the day and then I'll be cleaning the house tonight - don't want to give the school gate mums any gossip fodder regarding the state of my house when they drop their darlings off for my daughters party! With three kids and a dog (four if you count the husband and they are all serious mess-makers) that's not a small ask...Then it's hanging the balloons, wrapping presents etc. Phew! Good job I do feel psyched!
    Sunday, I'll be running around preparing food and generally stressing out - so I'll check in when I can.

    Have a brilliant one all my lovely shorties xx

    Oh...just in case it's getting buried back there in the pages, we have a spreadsheet where you can add your name and any details you want to add and take part in the challenges etc. Laloquita21 is the lovely lady you need to see to ask any questions about it, but here is the link again for anyone new that wants to sign up (optional).
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Morning All!!!

    Woo! I'm a bit psyched this morning and I don't even know why...I think it's because I finally got some proper Z's in last night. What a difference a good kip makes, eh?

    Anyway, Welcome all newbies! It's lovely to see you all and everyone is more than welcome whatever your health goal is.

    Anyway, as a lot of you have reminded, it's the weekend. No excuses! Come Monday I know I don't want to see a gain despite it being my daughter 7th on Sunday. If I do endulge, I'm gonna burn it!! No way am I going backwards!! I've made the challenge - I don't want to un-make it!!

    And...talking of daughters I won't be around that much this weekend. I'm taking my daughter and mum (in her wheelchair, I will definitely be feeling 'the burn') to Lakeside (a mall) for the day and then I'll be cleaning the house tonight - don't want to give the school gate mums any gossip fodder regarding the state of my house when they drop their darlings off for my daughters party! With three kids and a dog (four if you count the husband and they are all serious mess-makers) that's not a small ask...

    Right, no going backwards!!! I'll have an 'easier' time this weekend because I don't have my kids, so no excuses for not exercising. But I STILL find it harder than during the week, so I know it is 100% phschological...the feeling to just break routine on the weekend.

    And I LOATHE that cleaning you 'have' to do before a party to make it seem as if you live in 100% immaculate cleanliness at all times. And then after the party, you have to do it all over again. But if your kids have a great time, it's all worth it, eh? Happy 7th to your daughter (mine is 7 too)!
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    For the people with MFB on Blackberrys - how do you access anything other than progress, FAQ and your exercise and food diaries on it? I can't get to any of the community areas...

    I can't get to the forums through the iphone app either.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Woo! I'm a bit psyched this morning and I don't even know why...I think it's because I finally got some proper Z's in last night. What a difference a good kip makes, eh?

    And...talking of daughters I won't be around that much this weekend. I'm taking my daughter and mum (in her wheelchair, I will definitely be feeling 'the burn') to Lakeside (a mall) for the day and then I'll be cleaning the house tonight - don't want to give the school gate mums any gossip fodder regarding the state of my house when they drop their darlings off for my daughters party! With three kids and a dog (four if you count the husband and they are all serious mess-makers) that's not a small ask...Then it's hanging the balloons, wrapping presents etc. Phew! Good job I do feel psyched!
    Sunday, I'll be running around preparing food and generally stressing out - so I'll check in when I can.

    good thing you're psyched, it sounds as if you're going to need every ounce of energy to just get through your day. Have a great one!!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    MrsBlobs, I do not envy you all that cleaning although I totally get the reason :D I can't believe you have such small feet!! How do you find heels in that size!? Or maybe US shoe sizes are different that UK... I should google that.

    You should see if you can edit the original (opening) post of this thread to include the spreadsheet link. That way it can be found no matter what.

    I'm going out to breakfast tomorrow with my husband's family. I looked up the menu and it all looks delicious and unhealthy. I was thinking of doing crepes with strawberries. Does that sound better than waffles? I really dont like eggs or sausage or bacon so I'm trying to think of something I'll at least enjoy but is not going to be greasy and fattening.