Wednesday Mini Challenge

Today's challenge is: Push-ups

Let's see if we can do 200.

You can do them any style you want and you have until midnight to get them done.
Do them the hardest way you can and try to get all 200.
The important thing is that you try to do it.
Make sure you stretch and have fun doing them.
Report back when you are done and let us know how you did.


  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm up for this I will do a real modified version - the ones I do in pilates class - but that is due to the fact my fitness level is really low
    a challange like this will help :) maybe this time next year I will be doing them one handed :):)
  • KitCatMcG
    KitCatMcG Posts: 29 Member
    200?! Whoa .... can but try ;)
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    What the heck! It would be a first but I am game to see how far I get!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Thats a massive challenge to me - very new to exercise, but why not!! I will do them in batches of 15-20 every hour perhaps....

  • chicco57
    chicco57 Posts: 298
    count me in!
  • I'll try and give it a go! I'm not fantastic at push ups so will have to split them up over the day!
  • cazyll
    cazyll Posts: 184
    I'm in, but i'll do them on my knees, i know for a fact i cant do full push up.
  • Trying this!
  • I'm in.:happy:
  • I'll try to do as many as I can. My upper body isn't very strong, but I can run for a very long time. This will be something new to me.
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    Count me in too! (But it will be the on my knees version too, as I definitely couldn't do 10 real ones let alone 200!)
  • OMG!! Arms are soo rubbery!! It was fun.. but it was hard!! I cannot do a full push up. I fall on my nose. (Tried.) So, I used a wall. It's hard to hold up to get each "push up" close as it needs to be. Evententually, I will be able to do alll 200 from the floor. I am determined.
  • beckylou66
    beckylou66 Posts: 103 Member
    I will surely try..... thanks for the challenge.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    gee only 200? what happen to our 300? LOL I am in and would love to see if I can do them all regular (boy-style). I will let you know later! :smile:
  • Housetroll
    Housetroll Posts: 109 Member
    I am in! Gonna be the "girly" type though....haven't quite built up the upper body strength enough yet to do regular pushups. I am working on it though! Thanks for another great challenge! :happy:
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    I usually get muscle soreness after 30 ^^' but I'll give it a try: I'm in!
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    count me in!
  • I'm in!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Eeeep. I'm in. *sigh* :laugh:
  • :huh:
    OK, fine!! I'll try!!
