jsv454 Member


  • Hooray! It's so nice to see a big milestone like that. Great work!
  • I love coconut oil! I get the refined kind, because I can't stand the smell or flavor of coconuts, but I still want all the benefits. On the body: I have never had any trouble putting it on my skin. I just pop it in the microwave to melt for a minute and then slather on straight out of the shower so it seals in the…
  • I gave up all grain about 3 months ago, and have never felt better. I eat tons of veggies, protein, good fat, and some (full-fat) dairy and fruit. I have so much more energy, and feel better overall, plus I lost 32 pounds without really trying! I follow a Primal/Paleo lifestyle, which gets lots of people around here riled…
  • Congrats on a fantastic milestone! Here's to many more to come :)
  • I have found the same thing happening to me. Several friends are concerned that I am "turning anorexic" because I really have to try to eat more than 1,000 calories. But I am Just. Not. Hungry. Have lots of energy, am losing weight, just like above. I have spent most of my life eating every 2-3 hours to stave off hunger…
  • I started the process of weight-loss in September, I think, but didn't get really serious about it until late October. I didn't really have a "year-end" goal, because I just wanted to figure out what works for me and do things sensibly. Overall, I have lost 34 pounds (though have been stuck for over 2 weeks!) and am…
  • I have hardwood floors, so scrubbing them on my hands and knees definitely counts as a workout for me, and so does moving heavy furniture (by myself) to clean the floors underneath. By the time I am done, I have sweat pouring off me, so yes, I log an activity like that. Sweeping, dusting, washing dishes-- not so much.
  • Wow, that is amazing! You are such an inspiration :)
    in 3 feet Comment by jsv454 December 2011
  • I do Primal, so I have a bit of full-fat dairy. Not a ton, because I am slightly intolerant, but I put (local) feta in my salad, and snack on an ounce or two of sharp cheddar. I never drank milk anyway, so I don't miss that at all. As for potatoes, it depends on how many grams of carbs you are aiming for. Since I have a…
  • I've had a much harder time kicking sugar than I anticpated. Granted, I have only be at this about 6 weeks, but every time I think I have conquered the sugar cravings for good, they rear their ugly heads again. The thing is, I really didn't eat a ton of sugar before going Primal, so I am a bit confused about the cravings.…
  • I try not to set date-based goals, because it tends to make me a little crazy. I am focusing on 25 lb increments (just completed my first, yay!) and will give myself a non-food reward each time. I am getting a pedicure for my first reward, because I absolutely love them, and never ever get them, as I am broke and it seems…
  • Wow, what an inspiration! I started at a tight 28, and am thrilled to be in my 26 jeans last week! Like you, I can hardly imagine buying "regular" sizes. I love NY & Co and haven't been able to shop there for years, so that is definitely one of the stores I am looking forward to. I am so happy for you-- yes, seeing the…
  • Yes, I certainly was! I had spent years eating "right" (whole grain, lean protein, fruit and veg) and gained and gained and gained while feeling like complete crap. Getting rid of the grain and increasing fat proved to be what my body needed. Isn't it great to not be hungry all the time? I would not have been able to…
  • All this argument is getting old. if you want to see if Paleo/Primal works for you, try it for 30 days. The results will speak for themselves. I started to eat Primally in order to lose weight, and after about 3 days, I didn't care if I never lost another pound! My energy has increased to levels I have never experienced. I…
  • I can't offer any advice, but I can tell you that I have lost 34 pounds, my size 28 jeans can be pulled down while fastened, and the size 26 jeans STILL aren't comfortable enough to wear. I can get them on, but they aren't comfortable for sitting. It's frustrating, for sure, but hang in there! You're doing good work! :)
  • I love ALDI! The one in my neighborhood has wonderful fresh produce. I have never had a problem with it being old. In fact, nothing sticks around long enough to get old! I don't eat any grains or processed food, so I can't comment on that, but for the long Minnesota winters with no farmer's markets, ALDI veggies can't be…
  • Based on looking at your diary, I would suggest lowering your carbs and upping the protein and healthy fats. Several people have listed good sources of healthy fats already, so I won't go in-depth, but switching to full-fat dairy and cutting out processed carbs would give you more energy and also lead to weight-loss as…
  • Thanks so much, Grokette! I will admit, I started on this journey with weight-loss in mind, but after only a few days, it became crystal clear that the weight-loss is just a benefit. My life has changed dramatically due to the increased energy and improved mental health. I can't wait to see how much better continue to feel…
  • Sure thing! I love sharing, because it has made me feel so great... I just want everyone else to feel equally great! Along with the weight falling off with what seems to be little effort, my energy has increased by leaps and bounds! I am on half the dosage of anti-depressant, and hoping to get off Metformin (for blood…
  • H20-- I looked over your food journal, and from what I can tell, you are doing great on your protein, and you aren't going too crazy with the carbs. Your fat, however, seems really low. I would guess that your body is holding on to your fat reserves, because there's not enough good fat coming in. I saw guacamole on your…
  • I did the Candida diet for about a month to help kill off a topical yeast infection in my armpit. Had been there for months, and OTC powders, etc. weren't helping. To make a long story short, I cleared up the infection and started losing weight. I ended up transitioning from a Candida diet to a Paleo/Primal one, which has…
  • I have been Primal for about a month now (Paleo plus a little dairy) and coming from someone who used to NEVER think I could give up pasta, I love it! I have so much more energy, the weight seems to drop off, and I am reducing my dosage of anti-depressants. There's lots of info out there, so read away, and decide what will…
  • Wow, that's fantastic! Congrats, and we'll be supporting you every step of the way! :)
  • Of course! Looking at what you posted earlier in the thread, it looks like you are already following a fairly Primal diet, so it would probably be an easier switch for you than many. There are several Primal/Paleo support groups here on MFP with lots of people who know more than I do, and also the forums at Mark's Daily…
  • Yes, it's really working well for me! I realize it's not for everyone, but definitely worth taking a look if you are curious. While the Primal lifestyle doesn't advocate tracking cals, I do find it's helpful for me since I am so new to this way of eating. Specifically, I want to make sure I am getting the correct balance…
  • Congrats! Isn't it thrilling to see numbers on the scale that you never thought you would again? I have been idling in the 330's for a week or so... ready to get down a notch! My mini-goal is to be able to wear my size 26 jeans by Thanksgiving (I can get them on right now, but can't sit!) and then to be down to 300 by…
  • About a month ago, I cut out all grains, sugar, and processed food, and have lost 24 pounds, have tons of energy, and feel great! I am following the Primal lifestyle, which means I eat lots of protein, good fats, veggies, and some fruit and dairy. For me what makes the plan work is that it uses an 80/20 principle: follow…
  • CanToGirl: Thanks for the support! I have seen a few differences already, although I don't think I look any different. I can zip and breathe in my smaller-size jeans, but I can't sit down! I am hoping to achieve that goal by Thanksgiving. Yes, breaking it down into smaller chunks makes it so much more manageable! I am…
  • Hi! Thanks for starting this group-- I joined MFP with my best friend who is trying to lose 40 lbs, and I have more like 200, so it's nice to find some people in the same boat! I joined about a month ago, and have already lost 24 pounds, so I am excited about my progress. Of course, I know that the more I lose, the slower…
  • Wow, those pizzas look incredible! I started eating primally about a month ago and have lost 22 lbs (only about 200 more to go...) and the thing I crave the most is pizza. Since I *love* portobellas, I can't wait to go shopping and make this recipe!