

  • LMAO - just noticed this and thought it would be a rant - was pleasantly surprised instead. I am NOT one of those women (you do NOT want to see me in either of those), but found the comment hilarious nonetheless.
  • Thanks so much everyone! I appreciate the comments and thoughts - sorry others are suffering through this too, but glad to know I'm not alone :). And I'll give it a shot adding more fiber and protein to my diet - maybe that will help with these strange feelings!
  • I really want to hit the "healthy BMI" for my height... unfortunately I'm only 5'2" so that's a LONG way to go. So I set a goal of 150, which is a nice round number and is 123 lbs less than where I started (140 under my heighest weight - oh dear lord!). Once I manage 150, we'll see about pushing down to that final "healthy…
  • Congratulations - Awesome NSV!!! :)
    in NSV Comment by ziggy_mommy October 2011
  • I have a treadmill that I got a few years ago for my birthday, and I LOVE IT. I use it every day. It's a NordicTrac with a motor... I tried a motorless one and maybe it was because it was second hand, but I found that it took all I could do to get it going. The track just seemed to stick to the machine. Or maybe it was my…
  • This sounds delicious!
  • Hi Everyone - Thanks so much for all the replies - much appreciated! To those who asked, it is a digital scale I bought just a year or so ago, and I loved it at first, but... Also, the floor in our bathroom is very uneven - that may relate to it, but there isn't anything I can do about it either. I try to keep putting the…
  • Oh my... love cheese, but I think mine would be ice cream... I can't picture spooning shredded cheese out of the bag! :) But to each his own!
  • Wow - that is so amazing! Where you started is just about where I am now... and I'm so looking forward to ending up where you are! It's so slow and frustrating sometimes, but I just keep reminding myself that others have done this, and so can I!!!!
  • Hey - welcome and good luck! I was there less than a month ago, and have so much to lose - I know exactly how you feel. But every day you watch yourself meet your calorie goals, and then your weight starts to go down, and little by little you start to meet those goals. And anytime you feel discouraged, there are GREAT…
  • Hey - I was thinking of posting a similar message when I came across yours! Feel free to add me :)... I've decided I could use a few friends on here!
  • I am having an IMPOSSIBLE time giving up diet soda. Sure, it doesn't factor in the calories, but I KNOW I lose weight better without it. Also, I can't STAND the taste of most "low-fat" items - especially cream cheese!
  • Hi everyone - WOW - I'm just shocked at the number of responses! And pleased of course :). Sorry about the diary thing - I just made it public - not something I really ever considered doing, but it's not that it matters I guess, and it makes sense in this context. I do check my weight addictively every morning - I'm sure…