

  • Chibea's comment was very good- I myself will be looking for the binge eating support group. Every day, almost every moment I am thinking about what I could eat. But every day, every moment I make a better choice, it gets a little easier to turn away from all the 'bad' foods I really enjoy. I am currently in week 2 of My…
  • Hello Sari, I am Teresa, a fellow life-time binge-sneak eater. I am 42 years old, 5'5' and 191 pounds- not my highest in weight, but nothing to be proud of either. My goal is 150 despite doctors telling me I should be at 125. You name it, I have tried it. Weight Watchers, Nutri-system, Richard Simmon's Deal a Meal, Beyond…
  • I agree with Maria. I love olives! My favorite pizza topping is black and green olives. I also enjoy them in a sandwich, mexican dish, or just by themselves. Yummy! :laugh:
  • Don't be too hard on yourself. We have ALL been there. The best you can do is record everything - even if you go over. Accountability is good. Who knows, you might be "under" tomorrow!
  • I joined yesterday. I love the format and it is very user friendly. However, i failed my goal on my 1st day. No worries, each day is a new day. Good luck to you!