

  • Oh whoops! I totally forgot to stretch after. Thanks for the help, I'll make sure to remember that next time. Glad it's not something serious. :D Thanks again, both of you. :)
  • My guilt comes from the fact that this is my boyfriends mother and not my real mother. And I'm currently unemployed and looking for work, and she's letting me live here for free while I'm looking. So I feel like it would be disrespectful of me to turn down her hard work in the kitchen :P. I'm probably just too worried…
  • I go through the same thing! What I usually do is have a very small portion of whatever she makes, and work out a little extra that week. That way I get to taste her delicious dessert, She doesn't feel offended, and I work out a little extra so I know I burn it off. :) Hope this helps. :D
  • Wow! Thanks everyone for answering my questions. Seeing the results and reading what you guys have lost and pushed through really gets me pumped for this DVD! I'm impressed with all of you guys, I hope I'll be as dedicated as you guys were, and I hope to be a part of the "I lost inches with Jillian" team :P! I did find…
  • I usually drink a half of a glass ( or more ) of water before each meal. Then I try to take a sip between each bite. :) Hope that helps. :D
  • Augh! It always happens to me. I mean I usually want to eat everything in sight anyway, but then TOM comes around... Then I start eating everything in sight along with a pinch of chocolate... Since I actually started working on my health, I make sure not to keep chocolate or anything else like it near me. So I grab a bag…
  • Thanks for the weclome! :D Sent a friend request. :)