

  • Gluten free quinoa pasta with tuna, black olives, chickpeas, tons of veggies and light italian dressing.
  • I envision the clothes I want to be able to wear!
  • Thank you this helps! I am used to Weight Watchers and how you earned bonus Points for working out, so I'll kind of relate it to that... use the extra calories to treat myself or eat a little extra, but not go overboard. Everything in moderation right?
  • When I input my exercise the site adds calories to my daily target. Should I be eating those extra calories or keep some of them in my deficit to lose more weight? I do not work out until the evening (5:30pm), so by the time I log my exercise, it's dinner time and I don't want to eat all my extra calories in the evening. I…
  • I'm going to try the Vitamin C Detox Diet. You eat about 1200 calories a day (healthy high protein, high veggie meals) and add a lot of lemon water to the diet, as well as foods high in Vitamin C. My friend did it for 2 weeks and said she felt great and it was a good kickstart, but not something long term.
  • Thanks guys! I need all the support I can get! :happy:
  • Hey everyone! Well, I have struggled with my weight since I was 11 years old. I gained 55 pounds after college, which is a lot on my petite 5'3" frame. I was able to lose most of the weight on Weight Watchers about 3 years ago, but in the past few months, my weight has been creeping back up and I want to nip it in the bud…