Kelle4fsu Member


  • I think one thing that helps me when my willpower quotient is low is to make a list of all the things that will be improved/different/more healthy when I achieve my goals. I can often use that to motivate me past the immediacy of something that really won't help me attain that ultimate goal.
  • Bumping This way I can use My Topics ( a place where I've stashed away a couple of your posts ) when I need to be reminded or need encouragement.
  • Dear FC, You alone are pretty inspiring! You've certainly come a long way. What's your favorite tip or strategy that's kept you going through 198 lbs?
  • Rachel, I wish you the best! You are correct, I've tried other boards in the past and this one does seem to be very user friendly and offers many tools. I'll be right here with you working to overcome my own excuses and learning to use the tools. Kelle
  • Hello Everyone, I'm ready to get serious about this. Must admit, after trying many times before that I am both more committed and a little more frightened than in the past. I simply have to figure out how to successfully add activity as a regular part of my day to day life. I'll be interested in hearing how others succeed…