MKknits Member


  • Thanks all - I think I'm settling into this and figuring out what ways of eating work for me. I got curious and ordered some ketostix and every few days will use one and they come up pretty dark pink, so I'm pretty sure I'm doing this right. I just need to trust my body and if it tells me I'm not hungry I'm not going to…
  • The girls like a small rotation of meals so I usually make them something they eat with no complaints. I then either reheat a meal I prepped on the weekend (I prep about 8 meals every weekend) or I make eggs. Then it's homework time if they didn't finish it with me at school, reading time if they, showers then bed. I run a…
  • Do you have a crockpot recipe for pot roast you like? All of the ones I've tried are dry. Oh and my mom never cooked growing up, my Dad did all if the cooking :D He's a great cook and I learned well from him but once I'm home with the kids when I'm done teaching I need something quick and easy to make (most night I'm home…
  • I love to cook too but I'm short on time during the week usually.
  • Oh no my eyelid twitch is most definitely stress related :) Usually it doesn't start until March - this group stresses me out so much it started in October! :o Well to be fair it could be the kids our it could be the craziness that is my life that brought it on so early. Last March my husband took a job 7 hours away in…
  • I don't have a soda anymore but sometimes while I'm making supper or with supper I will have flavored seltzer. Most of the foods on that list I don't eat (other then caffeine in the morning). I didn't eat the cucumber yesterday and no heartburn last night - I'm doing no cucumber today as well (couldn't anyway I only buy…
  • Is it okay to use the percentages if you stay under the MFP calorie goal do you think? Sometimes I don't eat the full calorie goal that MFP has me set at because I'm just not hungry but when I do that I make sure to keep my macro percentages balanced within the reduced calorie amount I'm eating.
  • My max net carbs is 20, I think once in the last two weeks I've gone over. Most days I sit around 14-17 net carbs, most of those carbs are veg, cheese and nuts. I know that I don't want my protein too high but too low also isn't good. I think I struggle a bit with my macros because I'm obese so some of the amounts are…
  • Thank you! I'm pretty pleased but I'll be even happier when I get to the 280s! I'm not too far!
  • First started Keto 11/1/16 (this month) SW:310 CW:294.0 Short term goal - 250 Long term goal - 200 Dream - 180
  • It's been the last 3 days, my diary is open to friends so you should be able to check it out. I track and weigh everything. Looking back I had sliced cucumbers around 3ish both days...maybe those aren't agreeing with me. I have a digestive enzyme I got from Rite Aid it doesn't have ox bile and it doesn't seem to trigger…
  • I used splenda and no strawberries (I'm allergic). I also added cinnamon to the crust (not sure how much I added a bit of cinnamon, stirred then tasted then added more as needed).
  • Oh ibdidnt even realize! I may create a second account then just for this stuff.
  • Anyone have one to share? Also do you think I can freeze the 6 pieces left of the cheesecake individually so it won't go bad? I don't want to get in the habit of eating one every night. Breakfast - medium iced coffee with 3 cream and I added my own truvia Lunch - chicken thigh and the faux fried rice Supper - 2 eggs fried…
  • I made the caveman keto cheesecake and it's great.
  • I've had the gentic testing as well and do not have the BRCA genes...however my mom was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of ductal cancer at 37 (my age now) and then a few years later my grandma was diagnosed as well with the similar type of ductal cancer but it was caught very early. So between my family history and…
  • I love watching you tube what I eat in a day videos....but get tired of all the chatting in some of them. I like seeing what other folks doing low carb gives me ideas to try.
  • I was recently told (as in last week) that I have fibrocystic breasts but they didn't call it a disease so I'm not sure if it is the same thing. The way it was explained to me it was more like this is just my normal and even that can change over time, so while right now they are fibrocystic in 10 or even 20 years they may…
  • That bread looks fabulous - I think I'm going to try it after Thanksgiving. The only time I miss bread is with eggs with runny yolks. Here is mine for the day Breakfast was 2 hard boiled eggs (we were out of regular eggs) 2 slices uncured bacon and 1 avocado Lunch - we ate out and I forgot to take a picture so this is a…
  • With a family that does not eat keto I try to keep what I buy in a smaller budget as well. I buy a lot of eggs, some cheese, capicola, salami, macadamia nuts, heavy cream and once a week I buy a value pack of some type of meat, precook it and make up my meals for lunches and quick suppers. For veg I buy frozen broccoli and…
  • Can you maybe work on noticing how the cabs make you feel when you go crazy? I know for me realizing that eating higher carbs really really causes some GI distress helps make choosing not to eat them easier.
    in Venting Comment by MKknits November 2016
  • I guess I kind of assumed I was missing nutrients with the decrease in veg. I eat veg with my two meals (usually broccoli, cauliflower, or spinach) but I'm not eating as many fruits and vegetables as I was before.
  • I live in Maine - most of our population is actually D deficient because we live in a colder climate and are only able to fully expose our skin to sunlight during the summer months AND because even in the summer months the suns rays are never truly direct slightly slanted, so our D production is often lower then folks in…
  • Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help I've had from so many of you.
  • Each of my girls usually had one hard boiled egg a day and I usually eat at least 3 a day (sometimes 1-2 more if I make a few deviled eggs if my macros need a boost). So a dozen lasts us 2 days.
  • Good cause I love eggs :) I almost always get fresh eggs from a friend (due to a number of issues we gave them our flock of 20 birds so they give us eggs whenever I stop by to see my ladies and 1 very well behaved gentlemen - I really miss my chickens), but when I have to buy them we eat so many as a family that sometimes…
  • @mandycat223 I have cut grains out entirely, my carbs are currently coming from veg and a few other random things that have carbs. I am pretty sure the grains are what are bothering my digestive track so much.
  • :D no thank you! My stomach issues are so much better now doing this. I don't know if it's because I'm sensitive to gluten or sugar really dislikes my sytem...but either way eating keto I'm having way less issue stomach wise then I've ever had before...and I love it!
  • @KnitOrMiss is there a particular brand you like?
  • Yes I did pack a few snacks - I try to do that daily just in case. So I had 1oz of macadamia nuts that I ate right after the salad and 2 salami cheese rolls I ate around 3. That held me until supper mostly but I was really hungry at supper - but I just loaded up on fat because most of my carbs had been used yesterday…